Search results

  1. M

    Lich Doppleganger?

    yeah, Lords of Madness page 160 has Mind Flayer Vampires. not sure if that is the exact page, but I think it was (I looked at the book a second ago) thanks for your help on this. I will probably just use the Monster Manual Lich template.
  2. M

    Lich Doppleganger?

    Is there some variant of the Lich that exists in some book somewhere for Monsterous Humanoids? The Monster Manual says only Humanoids; but there are alternative versions presented in other books for Dragons and Mind Flayers respectively. As evident from the title of this, I would like to have a...
  3. M

    Shadow Creature Balanced?

    So, for a party with vampires in it; it's overpowered. For normal people; it's not so bad. Granted, being out of the sunlight isn't too rare, but it's not all the time either. I can see the other players staying in shadowy areas for a vampire, but not for this. ("We must stay in the shadows! I...
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    Jolly Ole' Saint Nick

    Saint Nicholas, this is a character in my campaign. He is based off of Santa Claus, not Saint Nicholas. An odd thing, but I was at a Convention at the time, and had no access to a computer, so in the few moments I had to invent a new campaign, I just named him Saint Nicholas. He shows up from...
  5. M

    Shadow Creature Balanced?

    Tome of Magic page 160 has the Dark Creature Template, which is says is a newer Simplified Streamlined Version of the Shadow Creature Template in Manual of the Planes and Lords of Madness. I'd say that it's balanced. All it gets for it's +1 LA is Hide in Plain Sight, Darkvision, Resistance to...
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    Avatars: epic(ish) play at lower levels

    well, I'll try to suggest something, but they aren't exactly in the same spirit as your ones are; Undeath Restorate As a standard action, you can fill 10 ft. burst around you with negative energy at the cost of one free essence. This effect causes 1d6 points of damage to living creatures, but...
  7. M


    thanks for the answers
  8. M

    [April] What are you reading?

    I just finished <i>Prelude to Foundation</i> a few days ago, I advise against reading that before <i>Foundation</i>... I also advise finishing the Robot and Empire serieses first... I think I know how they both end now :(... but I couldn't wait any longer. It's just been sitting on by bookshelf...
  9. M


    where is the search thing? can forums be searched? are some forums unsearchable? I wanted to go (try) to make or start a list of Homebrew Magic Items on the Houserules Forum (since there already is one for Classes/races and one for Creatures and another for Spells, I think.... not sure if I got...
  10. M

    Avatars: epic(ish) play at lower levels

    You might wanna add something to Eternal Rest to make it so it only works on undead with less or roughly equal Hit Dice to you, or something. Wouldn't want a low level character to be able to take out anything really powerful with it. Dunno, could just be me being paranoid, or biased; I never...
  11. M

    Robilar's Challenge or Karmic Strike

    dang, now I gotta buy PHB2. I don't know about the other one, but Karmic strike gives you a -4 AC, instead of increasing the enemy's attack by 4. as another tactic, instead of getting rid of the minuses from the feat, for my character I made them worse (took a level of barbarian to get the...
  12. M

    Frank's Advanced monsters

    I'm not all that into monster advancing, but I don't remember anything about lowering hit dice making a monster bigger? Where did that come from? And thanks frankthedm for the monster, it's cool
  13. M


    thanks for the info
  14. M

    What is the Answer to the Riddle?

    well. just a small note, "cannibal" means a person that eats of their own species, not a person that eats humans (though that meaning has been used, I have this Bestiary that uses the word to describe all the things in it that eat humans). If you want a word for a human eater, there's Anthro...
  15. M


    couldn't decide what category this was should be, sorry. On the Wikipedia article on Demons (D&D) it says that Loumara are demons that are more similar to Undead, what book are Loumara from/featured in? I'm making a Vampire/Demon so when I saw this I became curious if it should be used instead...
  16. M

    Frank's Advanced monsters

    neat idea. If you like advanced creatures, there's a creature in Frostburn, I think it's the Woolly Mammoth but I can't find the book, it can advance up to... I think it was around Fifty Hit Die, not positive. But it was really high. I had fun just calculating how many hit points it would have...
  17. M

    tell people about a project

    I am presently working on a small project; making a D&D town, kinda. It's a website and I was wondering if there was a place on this forum where I might go to talk about it? essentially it's just a town with a bunch of quests that happen in or around it. But the idea of the project is that...
  18. M

    Looking for a some minor villians

    Sorry, if this posts twice or anything, I accidently hit the Submit button then told it to stop, not sure what that will do. I wasn't done when I hit it by accident. you asked for it... (all that wacky honor stuff) Mortin De La Rocha - Adopted Son of Giovanni's Father (I'm gonna initialize...
  19. M

    Looking for a some minor villians

    you asked for it... (all that wacky honor stuff) Mortin De La Rocha - Adopted Son of Giovanni He's a Half-Orc. Yeah, he was trained, before adoption, by a Samurai (who, assuming Giovanni is not too dishonorable, was Giovanni's friend, they saved each others lives or something) I would have to...
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    Tyrants of the Nine...

    are you looking for general/vague arcs or specific arcs for the Tyrants of the Nine Hells?