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  1. Mike Selinker

    [UPDATED] 5th Ed D&D Core Design Team member, Rodney Thompson, launches Scratchpad Publishing!

    Rodney's my co-designer on Thornwatch, so I might be biased. He's also my DM, so I might be bribable. But seriously: Dusk City Outlaws is great and you're going to love it. Mike
  2. Mike Selinker

    AMA (Tuesday noon, April 28): Mike Selinker, your 2015 ENnie Awards host, ex-D&D creative director, and creator of the RPG/card game hybrid Apocrypha

    OK, let's light this candle. This seems like a great place to start. Garfield High School, Seattle WA Northwestern University, Evanston IL Unseen University, Ankh-Morpork DW Finding people who are better than me at everything to help me be better at everything. There are some people who would...
  3. Mike Selinker

    AMA (Tuesday noon, April 28): Mike Selinker, your 2015 ENnie Awards host, ex-D&D creative director, and creator of the RPG/card game hybrid Apocrypha

    I haven't really thought about it. But maybe: The Pathfinder Adventure Card Game:"]a Love Potion Betrayal at House on the Hill: a Flaming Zombie Lords of Vegas:"]a Casino Unspeakable Words...
  4. Mike Selinker

    AMA (Tuesday noon, April 28): Mike Selinker, your 2015 ENnie Awards host, ex-D&D creative director, and creator of the RPG/card game hybrid Apocrypha

    I think the Master's Edition is very likely to have some differences by the end of the campaign. We're still seeing what options are available. And thanks! We are also looking forward to the time flying by.
  5. Mike Selinker

    AMA (Tuesday noon, April 28): Mike Selinker, your 2015 ENnie Awards host, ex-D&D creative director, and creator of the RPG/card game hybrid Apocrypha

    I love everything about that game. It certainly had a huge impact on the games I did thereafter, such as Pathfinder. And The Reed Richard Guide to Everything was the best book I ever wrote, at least until recently. Pretending to be Mr. Fantastic answering kids' questions in the Daily Bugle was...
  6. Mike Selinker

    AMA (Tuesday noon, April 28): Mike Selinker, your 2015 ENnie Awards host, ex-D&D creative director, and creator of the RPG/card game hybrid Apocrypha

    Now that we've blown through all the goals we had, we are meeting tomorrow about some more ideas the team has proposed. So you'll know when I do. <rolls up sleeves> I'm a huge fan of Stephen King's The Stand. You simply must read House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski. In fact, it might matter...
  7. Mike Selinker

    AMA (Tuesday noon, April 28): Mike Selinker, your 2015 ENnie Awards host, ex-D&D creative director, and creator of the RPG/card game hybrid Apocrypha

    Neat! Microsoft Excel is the greatest consumer software product of all time. It'll do everything except fold your laundry, and it'll do all that while only taking up half your hard drive's memory. We also use Crossfire (because we're Mac users -- Gaby uses Crossword Compiler too). I have...
  8. Mike Selinker

    AMA (Tuesday noon, April 28): Mike Selinker, your 2015 ENnie Awards host, ex-D&D creative director, and creator of the RPG/card game hybrid Apocrypha

    I love this question. Thanks for asking it. When I left Wizards, I immediately was certain I would miss two things: the best coworkers I'd ever had and the best games I'd ever worked on. I quickly discovered that the first one was ridiculous: I kept all of those friends, and since I still lived...
  9. Mike Selinker

    AMA (Tuesday noon, April 28): Mike Selinker, your 2015 ENnie Awards host, ex-D&D creative director, and creator of the RPG/card game hybrid Apocrypha

    Well, I worked on the 2004 version, and I like it very much. But I'm sure the later editions had improvements too. Other WWII games that you might like: Memoir '44, Dust Tactics, and Attack Deluxe (which I helped design).
  10. Mike Selinker

    AMA (Tuesday noon, April 28): Mike Selinker, your 2015 ENnie Awards host, ex-D&D creative director, and creator of the RPG/card game hybrid Apocrypha

    We do have awesome people at Lone Shark! Success is: they all get to stay at Lone Shark and are happy to continue doing so. I am particularly interested in having a mix of ages and genders in our design team. I'm particularly happy with the fact that two of my closest partners, Paizo and...
  11. Mike Selinker

    AMA (Tuesday noon, April 28): Mike Selinker, your 2015 ENnie Awards host, ex-D&D creative director, and creator of the RPG/card game hybrid Apocrypha

    I can stand the sight of worms and look at microscopic germs but technicolor pachyderms is really too much for me. So I'll take Clifford mano-a-doggo.
  12. Mike Selinker

    AMA (Tuesday noon, April 28): Mike Selinker, your 2015 ENnie Awards host, ex-D&D creative director, and creator of the RPG/card game hybrid Apocrypha

    The default answer for me is King Lear, but okay, the ending kinda blows. Pure satisfaction start to finish: The Tempest. Everything clicks in that one. Plus monsters and stuff. The Merchant of Venice: "Your ships are at sea, facing ravaging storms. Will you win the spice trade without losing...
  13. Mike Selinker

    AMA (Tuesday noon, April 28): Mike Selinker, your 2015 ENnie Awards host, ex-D&D creative director, and creator of the RPG/card game hybrid Apocrypha

    Hi there! I'm Mike Selinker, the host of the 2015 ENnie Awards at Gen Con. I'm a former creative director on 3rd Edition D&D and the creator of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game for Paizo. I've also designed and/or developed a bunch more board games and RPGs, including Betrayal at House on the...
  14. Mike Selinker

    DriveThruRPG's Haiti relief drive

    Just FYI: DriveThruRPG now has a megabundle where you can get $1500 worth of PDFs for your $20 donation. It's a staggeringly great return on donation. Details here. At last count, they had raised $116,860.00 for Doctors Without Borders. Mike
  15. Mike Selinker

    DriveThruRPG's Haiti relief drive

    The good folks at DriveThruRPG are organizing a Gamers Help Haiti Drive, where you can join your fellow gamers in contributing $5 to the relief efforts. Follow the link if you want to donate. Mike
  16. Mike Selinker


    Cool. Anything that gets more people reading Vance is just ducky with me. Mike
  17. Mike Selinker


    Aw, you're sweet. And hey, I'm on the front page too! That's extra-fab. Mike
  18. Mike Selinker


    This week's Most Beautiful Thing is about TSR's classic typo "dawizard." If you went to the ENnies at Gen Con, you heard me talk about it there. Enjoy, and post comments here or on the journal itself (you don't need an LJ account). Mike
  19. Mike Selinker

    Board Game Geek's RPG Beta

    As a multiclassed boardgame designer/RPG designer, I've been poking around on the RPG Geek beta quite a bit. It's amazingly comprehensive. It's pretty darn impressive that they just turned 3200 entries on at once, in contrast with the slow build of Board Game Geek. I encourage everyone on these...