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  1. farmboymdp

    DROGAN'S TRAP, An Eberron Dungeon Adventure 8th Level

    Megamania, I have to apologize, but I think I'm going to have to drop this game (and all my games, for that matter). I've just begun the agonizing process of selling my house and moving, which I anticipate will take at least a few months. When it's all settled I will try to get back into PbP...
  2. farmboymdp

    Deuce Traveler's Six Nights to Yearsend (Ptolus one-shot)

    Okay, let me apologize again, because I think I'm going to have to drop my games on ENworld. Things have been going pretty nonstop for me this past week, having just begun the agonizing process of selling my house and moving out of state (for those of you who have had a similar experience, you...
  3. farmboymdp

    DROGAN'S TRAP, An Eberron Dungeon Adventure 8th Level

    I am back and will be ready to play starting tomorrow.
  4. farmboymdp

    Deuce Traveler's Six Nights to Yearsend (Ptolus one-shot)

    Hey everybody, sorry I haven't been around lately, but my holiday went a radically different route than I thought it would. I just got home and am pretty tired, but I should be able to catch up with things tomorrow. Also, a belated Happy New Year to everyone!
  5. farmboymdp

    December: What are you reading?

    This December I've read Into the Wild and I Am Legend, which is two more than I usually get done!
  6. farmboymdp

    Six Nights to Yearsend (Ptolus Group A)

    Morty began to get a little anxious. Gods, I hope she believes us. He tried to clean his pants and cloak a bit before she came out.
  7. farmboymdp

    Six Nights to Yearsend (Ptolus Group A)

    "Not precisely, but you'd be surprised what a bit of shadowstuff can get you..." Morty replies while beginning to cast shadow evocation. He pulls out his inkpen and shapes shadowstuff around it until the shadow condenses at its tip, where a heatless flame appears. Morty is casting shadow...
  8. farmboymdp

    Drogan's Trap

    Scepter's actions remain the same as Knuckles searches the room. He turns to Kasthiras, "Could you skim the walls, Kasthiras? There might be a secret door somewhere around here."
  9. farmboymdp

    Six Nights to Yearsend (Ptolus Group A)

    Morty decides that the best answer is to flee. He casts grease on the 10-foot square just outside the rear door and replies to Devian, "Come, I know the way. We'll have to stick to back alleys, but I think we can make it." Deuce, I assume Morty knows a way to the Fate Weavers? If any kind of...
  10. farmboymdp

    Six Nights to Yearsend (Ptolus Group A)

    Morty jumps off the crumbling staircase onto the floor. "No! Bad crocodiles!" he yells at his summoned beasts. He shouts at them again, in a demonic and unholy language that sounds odd coming from his mouth. "I said 'grapple'! 'Grapple', damn you!" Morty will follow Luna and the new stranger...
  11. farmboymdp

    Six Nights to Yearsend (Ptolus Group A)

    Morty follows Kaeso closely down the stairs and to the foray. Initiative check: 25 If Morty goes before anyone else, he will use summon monster V to summon two giant fiendish crocodiles (with Deceptive Summons and Fiendish Legion) as close to the enemy spellcaster he can see. He will use...
  12. farmboymdp

    Drogan's Trap

    Scepter places his hand close to Jaws' side and mimics his step, ready to buff at any moment. Scepter will ready an action to cast enlarge person on Jaws if an enemy comes within Jaws' reach.
  13. farmboymdp

    Six Nights to Yearsend (Ptolus Group A)

    "Well, she is a seer, it's her job to know how to find those who don't necessarily want to be found. Well, that's part of her job, anyway. She works for the Fate Weavers, so that should be our next destination. Luckily for us, they have plenty of back entrances, and we should be able to get in...
  14. farmboymdp

    Drogan's Trap

    Scepter doesn't deviate from marching order, but does crane his neck a bit to get a better look as they approach the metallic body. Once they are close enough to illuminate it, he will make a Knowledge check (whichever is appropriate) to determine what it might be (including bonus from Collector...
  15. farmboymdp

    Drogan's Trap

    Scepter falls in line behind Jaws, awestruck at the sight of the cavern. At the archway, he casts greater mage armor on himself. "Now this is what I came to see..." he says, admiring the archway. He also activates his illuminating quarterstaff's light function. Arcane Spell Failure check: 7 He...
  16. farmboymdp

    Deuce Traveler's Six Nights to Yearsend (Ptolus one-shot)

    A quick question Deuce: are the walls of our house made of wood or stone? If they are made of stone Morty wants to use his Summon Elemental feat to summon an earth elemental to Earth Glide through the walls and see who the intruders are.
  17. farmboymdp

    He actually did it...

    I'd reference a quote about a team of monkeys typing Shakespeare given enough time, but I don't think even a team of Uwe Bolls could ever get close. :D
  18. farmboymdp

    Recommend a less-known scifi movie/series

    While it is not "sci-fi" in the classic sense, Brazil by Gilliam is a great movie and features dystopian science fiction, and I would certainly qualify it as "less-known" as most of my movie-buff friends haven't seen it.
  19. farmboymdp

    DROGAN'S TRAP, An Eberron Dungeon Adventure 8th Level

    I just remembered I won't be able to post on Wednesday until the evening, hope it doesn't ruin things.