• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. B

    For the first time... apprehension

    Blah, blah, blah... there are a lot of threads about this stuff elsewhere on these forums. I disagree with most of your objections, but I suppose you have a right to your opinion. I just think you need to give it a chance before you get your back up about this.
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    It's like the 'new' World of Darkness was for me.

    I agree with the OP. 4e may be a different D&D, but it's going to be D&D just the same. MY 3e, 2e, and 1e books (and all variants thereof) will still see regular use and conversion by myself and my group, but I am very eager to see what there is in store from 4e. On that note, I find that a lot...
  3. B

    D&D 3E/3.5 Will 4e last longer than 3e?

    There's always been an 8-10 year gap between editions. That will likely not change. I personally welcome 4e and look forward to playing it for years to come. People seem convinced that 3.0 and 3.5 are different editions. They aren't. One is a revision you can take or leave at your leisure...
  4. B

    D&D 4E Post here if you ARE going to 4E!

    I'm in for 4e. My setting is already pretty much prepared for it (I implemented a lot of similar fluff, at least, when building it).
  5. B

    Humans are corruptible!

    Yeah. Chicks with horns are gross.
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    D&D 4E The 4e Mystery Race is going to be...

    Minotaurs are only considered to be sailors and such in the "Dragonlance" setting, which is not being directly supported currently. Everywhere else they are nasty giant monsters who're apt to kill and eat people, and are typically found in mazes/dungeons/deep spooky places in the earth. My...
  7. B

    Full circle: D&D now being based on video games...

    First Point: A 1st level rogue next to a 1st level expert in 3e? A 1st level fighter, or paladin, or barbarian, or ranger, next to a 1st level warrior in 3e? This has been going on for a long time. I still remember 2e and 1e... 0 level commoners... even a prince could supposedly be 0 level...
  8. B

    D&D 4E I'm not interested in 4E, but I'm fine with it coming...

    I agree. 3e and it's revision are still fun, viable game systems (actually, all editions are still fun and viable... played 'em all, and still have the books), and I know that there are those who'll continue to play all sorts of different editions of the game. I'm stoked for 4e, and I am looking...
  9. B

    Why Shouldn't Martial Characters have powers?

    A little note for the people who're mentioning Beowulf: in his 3e incarnation (see Dragon magazine back issue #329), he's listed as being only a 15th level fighter. Perhaps that's not his level by the time he fights the dragon, but during the battles with Grendel and his mother...
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    Why Shouldn't Martial Characters have powers?

    I think fighter powers and such will be much like the strong, fast, and tough hero talents from d20 Modern. Those talents include abilities to ignore hardness (or at least, parts of hardness...), extreme endurance feats, melee "smash" powers, speed increases, dodging bonuses, defensive rolls...
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    D&D 4E What's Wrong With 4e Simply Put

    Woo, pawsplay... sounds like I may have struck a nerve. Sorry if you misconstrue the intention of my last post. I'm not patronizing you with any "read a book sometime" style comment. I am merely responding with my own thoughts. I've read some great books involving mages that have "at will"...
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    D&D 4E What's Wrong With 4e Simply Put

    I'm not new to the game. I've played through all the editions of the game. I've seen the good and the bad of all the editions. I always found that every edition has been better than the previous ones. So, here we go: Well, nothing's stopping you from adhering to some of the older rules and...
  13. B

    Another name for the Warlord: Ayran

    Sounds way too much like Aryan. Not good. Don't want to drive away people based on a class name (and believe you me, there are those who would leave over the similarity)
  14. B

    This whole, changing the backstory thing...

    *raises his hands in the air* Amen, brother!
  15. B

    This whole, changing the backstory thing...

    Well, nothing's stopping you from adhering to some of the older rules and flavor. You can have all the demons and devils you want. I prefer the Erinyes to remain the "Goddesses of Punishment" as they were in Greek mythology anyway, but that's just my personal opinion. I welcome the eladrin...
  16. B

    "...the ancient empire of the tieflings..." and Sword & Sorcery gaming

    Personally, I've never had a problem with tiefling, aasimar, or any of the wacky things those planar people say.
  17. B

    A mystery race ?

    To all you people who're suggesting orcs, tauren, and all those other WoW races, I just have this to day: harm yourselves. D&D will never be World of Warcraft, despite what some boneheads say.
  18. B

    Points of Light

    I like the idea of the world being full of adventure and danger around every turn. Also, for the record "darque" is not a word. It is spelled "dark".
  19. B

    A minor rant: the Elf spectrum

    Also, I might add that I love half-elves. They're a fun race to play around with. My 1st 4e character is probably going to be a half-elf warlord.
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    A minor rant: the Elf spectrum

    Well, while I felt the elf subrace thing was a bit much at points, I think they're going to leave elves as elves, with eladrin cousins, drow cousins, and possibly aquatic elf cousins. Also, be grateful that they're not going really "Greyhawk" out of the starting gate: wood elf, wild elf, grey...