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  1. V

    D&D 4E No evil gods in 4e?

    And that's the rotten implication of the new system. Not only are their Good and Evil not in any way special (unlike LG & CE), but their very goodness and evil are called into question by the system, making the argument that they're both Unaligned and thus morally equivalent in their deeds.
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    D&D 4E No evil gods in 4e?

    Oh, I wouldn't say that. It all depends on their motivation. Take the Elder Evils, for example. LE: Atropus, Pandorym, Zargon NE: Ragnorra CE: Father Llymic, the Hulks of Zoretha, the Worm that Walks CN: The Leviathan Plenty of spread across the Evil alignments (including one effectily...
  3. V

    D&D 4E No evil gods in 4e?

    One problem I have is that Orcs and Goblins (not Hobgoblins) are CE & NE, respectively. Yet, there's virtually no real difference in the organization of their societies -- only a slight tendency towards being a bully or the bullied based on their size. Among their own people, they're both...
  4. V

    D&D 4E No evil gods in 4e?

    Sadly, I can't. Because while CE & LE are both visceral and interesting, there's nothing that either side can or will do that NE can't or won't do as well. The opposite is also true. There's nothing that a NE character will do that one of the other two won't. Really, CE vs. NE has it worse...
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    D&D 4E No evil gods in 4e?

    Tort law is kind of messed up that way, but justice did win out in the end. A lot of good safety laws came out of it when people got outraged by the events there too.
  6. V

    D&D 4E No evil gods in 4e?

    Alright. Fair enough. I'll reserve further judgment until then. (I still reserve the right to be pretentiously indignant to people who suggest that CG & LE have no place in the system while LG & CE do though. ;) ...Not that that necessarily applies to either of you.)
  7. V

    D&D 4E No evil gods in 4e?

    Let's talk about these two points. The first point is only relevant if you believe that you have to be 100% true to a component of your alignment to hold to it. This is the kind of thing that gives us Lawful Stupid Paladins who act like morality robots instead of realistic characters. Let...
  8. V

    D&D 4E No evil gods in 4e?

    The problem is that the person you were replying to specifically said "a chaotic good rebel who fights to throw down their government" and "a lawful evil dictator . . . [s]omeone who's unquestionably evil but still has a strict code of conduct." Those possibilities have nothing to do with the...
  9. V

    D&D 4E No evil gods in 4e?

    Funny. I would say that same thing about having you show us the difference between LG and NG or CE and NE. It depends on your philosophical and political biases I suppose which axis seems more true and significant than the other. It is frankly a shameful thing to see that WotC sees Evil as a...
  10. V

    Tidbits from PHB Viewing

    Seconded. I'm kind of confused by this. Does that mean that neither Lloth or Gruumsh are in the books? I can't imagine either deity as Unaligned. Also, anything you remember on Warlock pact fluff / stylistic differences. (The Doomsayer Paragon Path hints that fear will be a major theme of...
  11. V

    Keep on the Shadowfell preview

    Actual quote from the May Preview: (Emphasis added.) In other words, like most castle or keep towns, people live in farms in the surrounding countryside but can flee behind the protection of the walls if an attack comes.
  12. V

    Keep on the Shadowfell preview

    Seconded. I know you've posted about their 2 at-wills and their 3 Channel Divinity encounter powers (1 of which is a feat power), and all Clerics have Healing Word. But what about the other encounter / daily powers?
  13. V

    Keep on the Shadowfell preview

    Actually, yes. In 3e, the amount of XP you get from an encounter of a certain CR goes down as you go up in level. (Your class has no influence on how fast you level; all classes level at the same rate). Therefore, waiting until the end of the session to calculate earned XP per CR will...
  14. V

    The Knight reloaded (homebrew)

    Well, sure. The abilities where a particularly impressive attack scares some allies are some of the *only* logical powers of the class, but they need to be tagged as Fear effects, which opens them up to being unusable on several common kinds of enemies. The ones where a shout or a challenge do...
  15. V

    The Knight reloaded (homebrew)

    Somehow, I forgot about the minions issue in my last post! Corrected. At higher tiers, only. Martial is still supposed to be physically possible at lower levels, and even when it steps beyond that, it's supposed to logically stem from the physical actions of the person. Some of these effects...
  16. V

    The Knight reloaded (homebrew)

    You invoked The Form. We came. Now you must come with us. :D (Actually, you've inspired me to add some additional entries to it.) Martial Controller Form Reply, ver. 2.1: You have proposed a Martial Controller which is based on the following concept(s): [ ] Trap-Setter [ ] Grenade Tosser [...
  17. V

    Warlocks not warlockey anymore

    If the Warlock, to you, is nothing but mechanics: No. If the Warlock, to you, is largely about flavor: Yes, but... The new Warlock's flavor is firmly fused with the Binder from Tome of Magic. The Infernal Warlock may track quite well with the old Warlock. Mechanically, however, he's...
  18. V

    Raise Dead: A nice big bone to the simulationists

    1) Maybe that was Harry's destiny. Fate works in mysterious ways. 2) Maybe that was the high priest's destiny. Rain falls on the just and the unjust alike. 3) Maybe the gods aren't in control of fate. Maybe it's the furies. Maybe even the gods have destinies to fulfill in time. Because...
  19. V

    Warlord Player's job is to tell other players what to do??

    I think a lot of people here have the conceptual problem that another player moving your piece around the board represents their character having direct control over your character. This isn't necessarily true. Remember that D&D's very polite turn-based combat is an abstraction of a real...
  20. V

    Warlord Player's job is to tell other players what to do??

    This is exactly how we do it in my group. I play a tactician wizard -- a brilliant former general who makes quick plans and then casts spells and gives orders to bring the party to victory. IC, he yells out plan code names and directs allies towards appropriate targets. OOC, we all decide on...