• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. davidthegnome

    Green Nostalgic Fillable Sheet

    Great sheet! Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. Do you happen to have the spell sheet that goes with this sheet?
  2. davidthegnome

    D&D 5E resiliency feat and already proficient in the save?

    Said fighter takes the ability mod instead of a feat?
  3. davidthegnome

    D&D 5E Exclusive D&D Next Campaign available at Gen Con Only

    So who is going to GenCon that will pick up all our preorders and ship them to us? :)
  4. davidthegnome

    Maptools D&D 3.5 campaign needs 1-2 more

    I am interested and have sent an email.
  5. davidthegnome

    Other online pen and paper players

    What kind of game are you looking for? DnD? Rifts? WoD? I am looking to start a 4th edition game using Klooge. I also would like to run a game using AD&D 2nd with some house rules. That one will be a little further out because I have to get the house rules ironed out. I would be up to being...
  6. davidthegnome

    Unhappy about the VT Announcement.

    What I can't understand is why Wizards doesn't engage a third party or two for these tools. Several tools are out there, some of which are very good. If they had a deal with Wizards, or they simply bought the program from them, we could end up with an awesome tool. Between Masterplan and...
  7. davidthegnome

    Backing up the CB Classic

    This is not always a problem. So far as I remember I never had character builder on this laptop. Someone could try it though... I would, but I am not going to re-image a machine just to test this. Also, there is the option of using a program to make character builder a portable application...
  8. davidthegnome

    Backing up the CB Classic

    I just went into D:\Program Files (x86)\Wizards of the Coast and copied the character builder folder. Pasted the folder onto an external hard drive and then was able to run the CharacterBuilder.exe with no problems. This should also work for adventure tools. I was looking around for the...
  9. davidthegnome

    What character(s) do you want to play?

    I couldn't help but here the music from the old batman TV show. "To the Bat Cave!" The character I would like to play would be someone who has joined a cult who offered some kind of benefit, such as wealth or power. He wouldn't have joined just to become powerful to lord over others, but...
  10. davidthegnome

    Is it a damage roll if you don't roll?

    Page 57 phb Second paragraph up on the right side starting with "Some powers add..." Static nonvariable effects are not modified by a bonus from the power itself. It makes no mention of from feats and class features. I have the same question. In my case I play a cleric and have been...
  11. davidthegnome

    piracy is a problem

    Who's to say WoTC didn't leak this themselves to generate more interest? And... Stopping piracy has nothing to do with limiting the technology and everything to do with changing the behavior.
  12. davidthegnome

    Special Armor

    From the way I understand it any magic armor with a bonus equal to or greater than the minimum designated in the armor chart can be that type. For example, Feyweave Armor has a minimum enhancement of +4 so it could be up to and including Troll Skin Armor on the chart. As far as the cost is...
  13. davidthegnome

    Why are they waiting til June?

    Hadn't they originally planned to release them a month apart beginning in May, and then changed their mind so that everyone would be able to get the three books at the same time?
  14. davidthegnome

    It Starts (Splatbooks - Martial Power in October)

    I will likely buy every splat book that comes my way. Campaign settings are the ones I am more cautious about, though I tend to buy the first book to see if I am at all interested. 9 times out of 10 though, I prefer to just run "generic" games without too much concern for the world at large...
  15. davidthegnome

    Zee Planes Boss!

    I believe the shadowfell will be the new haunting, spooky place that you described.
  16. davidthegnome

    Green Dragon

    If you use modeling putty on about the last third of his mouth and snip off his nose horn it would go along way towards making it better. If you still wanted the horn and were careful when you cut it off you could move it up his skull a little more, and that might not look half bad. But if...
  17. davidthegnome

    Worlds & Monsters -- I has it, too!

    Shadar-Kai... Doesn't this feel like Dune? Sardaukar