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  1. E

    Best Five RPG Books You Own

    As always, a tough question. :) And this will absolutely show my age. In no particular order: 1) Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1stEd. Were I to run WFRP today it'd be a hybrid of 1st and 2nd Ed, but 1stEd is still one of my favourite books ever. 2) D&D Rules Cyclopedia. 3) Fading Suns...
  2. E

    How we experienced the game, in totally different and incompatible ways

    Part of it was also that most of us learned from other people, and quite often there was a "core" of gamers who'd bring the majority of people in a given area into the game. (I grew up in a small town, so it might be different in the big city, but University game clubs, local gaming clubs in...
  3. E

    Planescape: The Perfect MMO Setting?

    This idea just drips Awesome. I have thus far resisted WoW, Guild Wars, EverQuest, etc. But a Planescape MMORPG - that, I could not resist. In MY tangential reality, someone has invented a Planescape MMORPG and I am playing it RIGHT NOW.
  4. E

    Arcana Evolved with another setting

    Speaking for myself, I did keep the Truenames and Ceremonial Feats in the Urak campaign I described above - they're certainly not part of Lords of Magic but I like them, and basically tweaked them a bit so that ceremonial Feats were gained as part of worship of a Faith. For instance, while the...
  5. E

    Arcana Evolved with another setting

    Well, all righty then. :) I was considering starting a new thread but since Cam had asked for specifics I'll leave it here for now...if anyone is really interested in this stuff, PM me and I can e-mail what I have. The game takes place after the video game "campaign" is complete; the Deathlord...
  6. E

    Arcana Evolved with another setting

    To answer the OP, I'm currently running a game via Gametable. We're using Arcana Evolved for the ruleset, but it's set in the world of Urak, from the old video game Lords of Magic. It's based around eight Faiths that are admittedly very cliched - air, earth, fire, water, life, death, order...
  7. E

    Settings with no world map - anybody tried?

    Threshold, man. Yeah, yeah, there's some Grand Duchy of Karawhatever and the Black Eagle something-or-other to the south, but for me Expert D&D was all about Threshold.
  8. E

    Newfoundland dog owners, lets hear your experiences!

    Golden retrievers and the labrador breeds are similar temperments, I think, in that they tend to be very sweet-tempered (retrievers especially). Though those breeds are a bit more energetic than a Newfoundland I think and don't have the rescue instinct - though they tend to love water. I...
  9. E

    The Top 10 Gayest Characters in Tabletop Gaming

    Okay, so...for ease of reference: 1. The aforementioned Rufus and Burne... 2. Elric of Melnibone (which I must admit is funnier when you leave the accent off the final "e") 3. Lightning zombies (D&D)...fabulous! 4. Wraeththu (from, well...Wraeththu) 5. Gotrek and Felix (WFRP) 6...
  10. E

    WotC mistakes that cause you headaches -

    Ah yes, I was trying to remember what PPDM stood for. And now I'm thinking of papadum, and am hungry for Indian food. Curse you, McMurray!
  11. E

    Dawn of the Dead in DnD?

    A bit of overkill, perhaps, but along the lines of "hell is full", Clerics of Good alignment may find that the "cosmic balance" is out of whack and therefore their Turning abilities no longer work at all - against any undead. Which could of course lead to an Epic Quest (TM) to right the world...
  12. E

    How Many Groups Do You Play In?

    One tabletop group (HarnMaster), one online group using GameTable and Ventrilo (Arcana Evolved), one Play-by-post group (Mutants & Masterminds). Assuming those all count as "groups", that's three, so I can't answer the poll! :p As far as tabletop gaming goes, I don't think I've ever had more...
  13. E

    Has the free Ars Magica pdf increased your purchases?

    I downloaded the free PDF, but it had no impact on my buying habits, as I already had the dead tree edition as well as several supplements (for 4th as well as earlier editions). But having it in PDF form as well is a definite plus - as an example, I was able to compile a short "player's manual"...
  14. E

    Dwarven Profanity

    Well, here's a range of 'em, from the blasphemous to the tame... ;) Rust and ruin! Moradin's balls! By Clangeddin's hairy arse! Beronnar's bouncing breasts! ('Cause alliteration is fun!) Ye wee ruster! Dirty Drow-shagger! Goblin-rutter! More clueless'n an Elf with a hammer!
  15. E

    Good "generic" campaign setting

    Hm. See, I am a verisimilitudist (??). F'rinstance, Harn remains my favourite game world, and any setting that tries for a consistent and believable world gets thumbs up from me for effort. But Kalamar...I didn't like the gods or their churches. I didn't like the countries. I didn't find it...
  16. E

    M&M 2nd Recommendations?

    Yeah, I'll add my voice to the chorus. Freedom City was a really good sourcebook for me when I started with M&M - expanded the range of villains, for a start. I don't actually use Freedom City as my main setting (for the most part I use the setting from Silver Age Sentinels) but Freedom City's...
  17. E

    Arcana Unearthed/Evolved - How do you apply the Oathsworn prohibition against "tools"

    One of the characters in the Arcana Evolved game I'm running is an Oathsworn. He absolutely refuses to accept any equipment whatsoever beyond the basics (clothes and a satchel), nor is he willing to use any magical items or potions, including healing potions ("I will heal on my own...
  18. E

    Arcana Evolved - how do Giant racial levels balance in play?

    Thanks for the replies, folks. You've answered my question, and then some. He's decided on a Giant 3/Oathsworn 1, by the way. So the points about AoOs and grappling will probably be important!
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    Arcana Evolved - how do Giant racial levels balance in play?

    I'm starting up an AE campaign online. The characters are starting at level 4, and one player wants to play a Giant. He's thinking about taking all three Giant levels right away, essentially being a Giant 3/class 1. (Not sure what class he'll play.) Taking a spin through AU/AE, I was looking at...
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    D&D Rules Cyclopedia-any experiences

    Not to sound like a broken record, but yeah, the Rules Cyclopedia is a damn fine gamebook. I think it's probably still THE best gaming resource for gaming newbies; and there's enough variety and additional rules - in the core book, mind you - to satisfy more experienced gamers, too. Plus, you...