• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. L

    D&D 3E/3.5 How a lord can be assassinated in DnD 3e?

    1. Kidnap the lord. 2. Construct some sort of moveable cage/cell to hold him. Put him in that, and attach shackles that act like a ring of sustanance to him, as well as endure elements if necessary. 3. Planeshift him to a plane/demiplane where time runs much faster. 4. In a few weeks, he'll...
  2. L

    (Mostly OT) One Thousand tips for Evil Overlords

    Ba da boom, ba da BUMP
  3. L

    (Mostly OT) One Thousand tips for Evil Overlords

    236. If some prophecy seems to indicate that I am certain to fall from power, before risking everything in a desperate bid to avoid fate I will first consult a competant logician (or my five-year-old child) to discover any semantic loopholes. 237. I will encourage my Legions of Terror to take...
  4. L

    (Mostly OT) One Thousand tips for Evil Overlords

    Hopefully by now we have all read and memorized the Evil Overlord List If you haven't, do so now. No self-respecting villain in any campaign can ignore it. As wondrous as the list is, there are still some problems with it. For one, the list is nearly six years old, and is somewhat...
  5. L

    Epic Feats (humor--not from ELH playtest)

    EPIC GREAT FORITIUDE Requirements: 21+ HD, Con 19+, Great Fortitude Your great endurance allows you to shrug off conditions that would impede a lesser character. Whenever one of the following happens to you, you may make a Fortitude save at the listed DC. If you suceed, the condition does not...
  6. L

    We're way too rich

    Bizarre. I just had to write a school report about this. Back on topic: How big are these pearls? If they fit in a chest or two in shouldn't be too hard to carry them around and sell them. The other posters who said theft is likely should keep in mind that characters have no concept of level...
  7. L

    [OT] Star Wars EpII out....

    Can someone please summarize the plot, thus spoiling the entire movie for me?
  8. L

    Morpheus and DnD

    The people who say things like "I'm just trying out to see if I like the book" or "I buy everything that I download" need to wake up. Even if you really do buy everything you download (and I think this HIGHLY unlikely), you are encouraging theft simply by using these arguments. To make yet...
  9. L

    Would you download a suppliment on Astrology/Astronomy?

    If you do make this book, I suggest modeling it on MotP: First, have a lot of mostly setting independent materials, like a Star Keeper presitige class, or a Lucky Birthday feat. Have a detailed presentation of "real" (so to speak) astrology, that also adds D&D elements. For example, during...
  10. L

    Poll: How many times have you voted in this poll?

    :D Well, after a day of polling, it seems that most people have indeed voted in this poll only one time. This isn't very suprising, as the message board software only allows you to vote once. Interestingly, several people have voted more than four times. Since no one has voted 2-4 times, I am...