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  1. T

    Looking for a good campaign organizer

    Thanks for all the responses! This has solidified my decision to go with Masterplan, but I will be taking a look around the EnWorld Campaign Manager.
  2. T

    Looking for a good campaign organizer

    The big draw of something like Masterplan is that it acts as something like a DM's helper during play, keeping track of Monsters, ongoing conditions, Monster HPs, and can even be used to make battlemats. Is there anything out there to compare with this?
  3. T

    Looking for a good campaign organizer

    I am starting a new 4th Edition campaign. What campaign organizers do people here prefer and why? A friend of mine has used Masterplan, and seems to like it pretty well, so that is my initial impulse.
  4. T

    But is it Art?

    I think painting your house can be art. Are you doing for no other reason than to protect your house from the weather with no interest in colour? Not art. Are you at all interested in picking colours that are pleasing to the eye? Art. I think that singing happy birthday can be art. Are you...
  5. T

    D&D 4E D&D 4e: Jedi Knight

    Well I've refined the build a bit. It's pasted below. I like the Rogue/Psionicist Build a fair bit. I'm not saying it's the best, or anything, just that it's the one I like most so far. First of all, I just like Hybrids. They're fun. It's a completely arbitrary reason, but there it is. It...
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    D&D 4E D&D 4e: Jedi Knight

    Okay, I am sure I'm not the first person to do this, and I'm sure I won't be the last. But I wanna make a Jedi Knight for 4e, and Hybrid seems like the way to go. Here is my stab at it, at Heroic Tier. I would love suggestions to improve the build, both mechanically and also thematically as well...
  7. T

    Classic D&D in Hamilton, Ontario OR Skype

    I would love to get a game going of Classic D&D in Hamilton, ON. AD&D or D&D is fine, including the various clones, like Labyrinth Lord or OSRIC. For a while I have had a yen to play zero-to-hero style D&D, using classic modules and adventures plucked from old Dungeon Magazine culminating, if...
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    D&D 4E 4E Hack: "Fiction First" Playtest

    This is always a bit of a breaker for me in games, if the other players spend a lot of time making plans, discussing, scrapping plans, making new ones. It bores me to distraction. I've read that one of the purposes of wandering monster checks was to force quick decisions by the players--spend...
  9. T

    D&D 4E 4E Miniatures

    buy one of those big board games, like War of the Ring.
  10. T

    D&D 4E 4E Hack: "Fiction First" Playtest

    what is your intent when the hex rolls to contain a monster? Especially when the first roll tells me "Dungeon"? The same question goes for tricks and traps too, I guess. A typical dungeon is going to contain all three of those things. Are the contents rolled from the second table intended to be...
  11. T

    D&D 4E 4E Hack: "Fiction First" Playtest

    I like the decision to turn the wandering monster into the masked figures. To some degree it could be seen as going easy on the PC--a combat encounter probably would have finished him, but it also coloured the campaign world in a nice way and raises questions (why did they follow him? just who...
  12. T

    D&D 4E 4E Hack: "Fiction First" Playtest

    Interesting read! Going through the playtest doc something that strikes me right away is that PCs are at a serious disadvantage while in the wilderness--no refresh on their dailies and surges come back at a much slower rate than vanilla. Meanwhile the opposition is ramped up--8 wandering monster...
  13. T

    Sandboxing in the Nentir Vale (was: Emergent Features in KotS)

    Looks like things are really clipping along! I miss this game!
  14. T

    Sandboxing in the Nentir Vale (was: Emergent Features in KotS)

    Hekubus lived! Dave rolled the death saves and Hek & Lendil both got 20s! Lendil's player is leaving the game, so he's gone, but Hekubus is still in the action. I've given Hekubus a facelift using the playtest hybrid paladin & warlock classes. He's got 3 fewer hitpoints, no lay on hands, but he...