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  1. M


    The Chesapeake Virginia B&N has several copies out for sale.
  2. M

    Fun with Multiclassing

    Sorry but I can't really see Elric as a fighter with a few wizard abilities. He's arguably the best wizard (or sorcerer if you prefer) in the whole world. If he isn't a wizard then neither is anyone else in his world.
  3. M

    OotS 498 is up

    I see two possible reasons for Roy's current situation. Durkon may have refused to Raise Roy because he approved of Roy's death. On the other hand it may be that Roy has been so happy about getting to see his family that he has, in point of fact, wanted to be in his current location. Durkon...
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    Another word for 'Troll'

    Make them all female and call them Trollops?
  5. M

    Heroes Season 1(#9)---11/20/06-'Homecoming'

    The cops that arrested him said something like " He looks like that guy the New York Senator described. " Maybe it's just me but I thought the officer said that he looked like the guy in a trench coat that the janitor described.
  6. M

    The Dresden Files

    Thanks for all the great feedback. I've now read the first three novels and have my greedy little eyes locked on the remaining ones. I do have a follow-up question though. Given that the First Law is never kill a human using magic does Butcher ever explicitly state the other Laws of magic?
  7. M

    The Dresden Files

    Have you read them and are they any good?
  8. M

    Rate King Kong

    I gave it 5 out of 10. OKay but not great though some of the individual scenes were wonderful. For me the movie ended up looking like a prequel to "Deep Rising." The swamp leech things were just the immature versions of the creature in that movie and it was obviously Skull Island that they...
  9. M

    Who is the greatest mage in Sword and Sorcery? (Black Company and Thieves World!)

    It's been a while, but wasn't Enas Yorl described somewhere in the firt book as the third mosy powerful wizard in the world? Or something like that?
  10. M

    Greatest cameos?

    Don Ameche and Ralph Bellamy showing up in "Coming to America" as their characters Mortimer and Randolph Duke from "Trading Places."
  11. M

    DarkMatter D20: Drunk Southern Girls with Guns ... UPDATED - 8/18/05!

    Jo finished. "It's a scream, followed by some gunshots and more screaming, then like a gurgle, and dry snapping sounds." Andy stared at her. "Seriously, we're going to look at a skinned family. Lighten up." I love these people.
  12. M

    Just got Netflix. Name some great old movies.

    Have yourself a Cary Grant festival. I tend to prefer his comedies. Get Ye therefore: I Was a Male Warbride Topper Operation Petticoat The Bishop's Wife Father Goose Bringing Up Baby Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House Arsenic and Old Lace
  13. M

    Looking for something to read

    They aren't fantasy but I must recommend Lois McMaster Bujold's Vorkosigan/Barrayar novels.
  14. M

    What is the best "bad" ending you've seen/read? [Spoilers abound]

    S.M. Stirling's Draka series of books. The good guys end up booted off the Earth and the slavers have taken over the entire world.
  15. M

    Smallville or Dullsville

    Personally I was far more disturbed by the idea of a senior dating a freshman at the beginning of the show. Especially since it had all the hallmarks of something that had been going on for a while. Back it up just one more year and you have a high school junior dating someone in junior high...
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    SMALLVILLE - New Season starts tonight 09/22/04 (MERGED)

    True, but then the same would also have to be said about Lex.
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    DM's and their Paladins

    Chesty was the nickname of Lt. Gen. Lewis B. Puller, U.S.M.C.
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    A retooled "Gilligan's Island" as seen by the Brothers Grimm. It could be much worse. It's on my TiVo list.
  19. M

    We were like gods once... BIG UPDATE Friday Nov 5!

    "Then gravity, ever the harsh mistress" The Tick would be proud to hear his words echoed here.