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  1. S

    Birthright: Is 4th Ed. the best D&D for it?

    This is exactly how it's handled in the 3rd Edition conversion (over at I'm in the middle of an ongoing 3.5 Birthright campaign now, and it's working very well. Interestingly, ritual magic makes a LOT of sense for realm spells -- casting time 1 month, cost of X gold bars...
  2. S

    Polymorph - Gone?!?

    I abuse polymorph regularly in my current 3.5 game, and I agree with this wholeheartedly. It regularly confounds my DM, and this is with an enchanter - not even a transmuter. I do wish that 4E wizards had more polymorph spells, and I wish warlocks had them earlier, but that's just me.
  3. S

    Writeable CharSheets in acrobat

    It works nicely - thank you!
  4. S

    I also have the books [merged] (info on upcomming Power sources and more)

    I confess that I'm disappointed in the small number of epic destinies. I'm hoping "Demigod" is a good enough catch-all, since the others seem a bit... specialized (e.g. Archmage and Deadly Trickster have obvious lead-in paths.)
  5. S

    Excerpt: Minions. Go forth mine minions! Bring havoc with your 1 hp [merged]

    Quite fond of minions, actually My current DM loves mooks in our 3.5 game. Only one problem -- with 3.5's rules, the typical "Adventurers vs. horde of weak but dangerous creatures" fight takes forever. For mooks to be at all interesting, they have to have several Hit Dice, and that means enough...