• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. L

    An Alternate Reality Game (ARG) for RPG players

    I don't think everyone understands what special about ARGs. It's a number of clues presented in the real world that are a part of a puzzle that usually takes the form of some fantastical plot. For example, to promote an album a few years ago Nine Inch Nails had flash drives dropped off in the...
  2. L

    What is with these crappy Video Games?

    Considering all the strategy computer RPGs (Final Fantasy tactics, nearly the entire Nippon ichi game catalog) that are good this suggests that the license is being given to developers who are inept and stupid.
  3. L

    What is with these crappy Video Games?

    Yeah, there hasn't been a decent DnD based video game in a while. It seems the people approving games are assuming that "games for morons" sell and anything that requires some thought will bomb; so few RPGs are made, but a lot of modern military FPSes that I cannot tell apart are pushed forward...
  4. L

    Cthulthu Tech...

    I dug through the rule books once, and I noticed that there's two effective scales of mecha, the eva like type, and the normal machine type. The normal machine type must what the macross reference is. Also I noticed that the various scales of characters won't work well together-a mecha pilot...
  5. L

    Battles & Badges

    This is actually very well thought out and designed. Considering there's hundreds of pokemon(even the original 151 is a very large number), might you consider generating some guidelines for pokemon design and ask for some help making the individual? Also Missingno should be included as an...
  6. L

    Inherent PC Superiority?

    Now, are we talking talent, potential, or skill? A level one character isn't too much more skilled conceptually from a normal person-most people could do level one in a number of classes. However, depending on the system your character's abilities could limit the character's growth; some people...
  7. L

    Warforged/Fleshie Role Reversal

    Why not go all cybertron and make constructs be the majority of animate things around, followed by elementals. Make living creatures rare as to be almost unheard of, and for a bizzare twist make undead more common than life; living things are unknown to most of the populace but undead are, while...
  8. L

    Whats so special about the Far Realm?

    Now if only the eldrich abominations would eat the people that buy from spammers so that the spammers would stop sending out spam because of there being no one stupid enough to buy from. ... But if they really do eat people who buy from spammers, that would explain why I've never heard of a...
  9. L

    Whats so special about the Far Realm?

    I thibk the far realm should be thought of as something extra-cosmic-outside of the heavens, hells and other planes that make up the normal cosmos. It is inherently alien in the strongest sense of the term; it has no proper relation to the normal great wheel or astral sea nor does it even fit...
  10. L

    Discouraging the 15 minute adventuring day

    Is the party afraid of being overwhelmed? It may be that you simply have to push them a bit, gently telling them that they're being too cautious. And some of the other advice here about harassing them, that may simply give the players PTSD and make matters worse-if they don't feel safe in town...
  11. L

    Planescape and Spelljammer

    To be honest, I think that the astral sea planar setting is a fusion of both settings-the sailing of spelljammer and the exotic planes of planescape. The metaphysics of 4e started to appeal to me once I realized that.
  12. L

    D&D in Foreign Languages

    Hobby Japan does the japanese version of DnD. There's also a magazine Role and Roll that while is not solely DnD based it has a lot of DnD material in it, especially of game transcripts, usually referred to as a Replay. And on a bizarre tangent, some people even go so far as to create videos of...
  13. L

    Fortune Cards: you likey?

    Yeah, I really like the idea of using cards in a game, but randomized packs are a bad idea. Non-randomized sets would be best, perhaps in the form of themed minidecks(ie. power source or role). But as they are presented now, they're just a bad idea. Or even to add in new systems, and not simply...
  14. L

    Multiple Dice Sets Anyone?

    God, and I thought I was unreasonable for only buying dice that I thought were sufficiently good looking. I mean, seriously, they're gorgeous dice. But I always try to make ready my dice before my turn comes.
  15. L

    A bit tired of people knocking videogames...

    I'll take a few guesses at what "videogamey" means 1. "Closed ended". the rules are limited to a very specific scope to the point the game seems excessively limited. House ruling to fix the problems would likely change the rules enough such that you may need a whole system. Can be linked to how...
  16. L

    A bit tired of people knocking videogames...

    But there are a sizable number people that do hear that, and in using that term you're saying things you don't mean;what you think you said isn't as important as what people think you said-the former is reflection, the latter is communication. If you keep using the term, well, you'll just annoy...
  17. L

    What I really miss from "the olden days"...

    To be honest, the role that PrCs eventually filled was something that people liked, and tended to fill niches that the rules didn't quite support. An eldrich knight made arcane magic user/fighter builds more viable, and other PrCs did other, interesting things. In all honesty there should have...
  18. L

    A bit tired of people knocking videogames...

    The comment "this feels too videogamey" sounds like a passive-agressive backhanded insult to videogames, whether you meant it that way or not. Also I agree with other people when they say it can be vague when someone describes something as too "videogamey", is it too restricted in scope of...
  19. L

    Has anyone attempted to gamma world(ize) D&D?

    What I thought of when reading the thread title was of a post-apocalyptic fantasy world; then I thought of a campaign where the characters try to go back in time to the apocalypse to kill the source of the destruction, fighting past the corrupted world left in its wake.
  20. L

    If you could play in a campaign of your choice, what would it be?

    Actually I though of a plane-hopping campaign in the astral sea a la 4e but with more of a spelljammer planetary romance sort of campaign would be fun; you'd explore a lot of weird and unusual planes and fight a evil multiplaner empire or two.