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  1. T

    Need help with a character idea

    I personally really like this idea. Im currently building a quest where the villion is based on Nautalus. Twisted Fate to me screams rogue/sorc. His love of gold and hustling card games is perfectly rogue. So that covers his passive. As for the deck of cards I would talk to your DM about a...
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    Help with armor enchantments

    Thanks for the replies everyone. This is going to help me out alot.
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    Help with armor enchantments

    In my current game I'm playing a lv11 barbarian. The party killed a red dragon and I one the scales to make some medium armor. I have a 10k gp budget (I can go alittle over by selling my +1 chain mail) for the armor enchantments. What do you all suggest for a barbarian in a group with 2 clerics...
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    Time: Material Plane vs Others

    This for the information everyone. It helps
  5. T

    Wish and its limits

    After reading this I must warn you about the downside to wishes. In my time I have only ever seen 2 wish spells cast both ended with the retirement of someones character (both Rogues surprisingly). The first was in a high lv game and brought the rogue back flat broke with all of his wealth and...
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    Time: Material Plane vs Others

    In my d&d game (3.5) we had a question come up . What is the time comparison with the planes? This came up because my parties cleric used plane shift to save himself and the parties bard when they became seperated from the rest of the group. However he only had one prepared and couldn't travel...
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    Underdark Adventure Ideas

    When my party got meepo we decided that because everyone loved him he must be crazy charismatic so we gave him scorceror lvs to fit his charisma and it's his favored class so it just felt right. Also to keep him from out shining other party members the DM let's the party have a say in his...
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    Underdark Adventure Ideas

    I'm sorry I'm not familiar enough with under dark to give you an idea, but I just had to say something about meepo. My group also brought him along and gave him sorcerer lvs. Good things are bound to come with him around.
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    Class Ideas V.2

    I second this idea.
  10. T

    Class Ideas V.2

    Well if your looking to increase the size of your ban list then Artifacer would be a good choice. Bugiuler could also be a good fit for you. If you don't want to be ban play a fighter and just stick to hitting stuff with a sword, no tripping, no suddering, just a sword.
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    Sneak attacking larger things

    You can always do what my DM did when I played a rogue. SA is broken because you one shotted my boss. No more SA for you... Cursed. It might not be the best solution but it fixes your problem. More realalisticly unless the rogue is swinging at the monsters legs because he cant reach any thing...
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    Soloing a Dragon

    I think I'm going to go with a young silver dragon for the encounter. The CR7 seems about right for the encounter and the monastery is in the mountains so it fits thematically as well. Depending on how well the Monk does I might buff or nerf him but this is a good start. Thank you for the help.
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    Soloing a Dragon

    The encounter takes place in a room that is 60ftx60Ft with a 50ft ceiling. So yes it has the room to fly but to avoid a one sided battle I will try to avoid having him fly.
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    Soloing a Dragon

    Hello EN World, In the past you have helped me greatly as a player and now I come to you as a DM. I am running a 1 player party and I wanted to use a dragon. This is for a one shot campaign. The player is a Vow of Poverty lv10 Goliath Monk, as well as being an experienced player so I have...
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    Need help building a Bard

    Thank you everyone that has given advice and here is some more info that was asked for. His goal is to be support / backup melee. His race is currently undicided but he want to play something different and not common (he isnt big on humans, elves, dwarves ect) The game is about 50% combat, 25%...
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    Need help building a Bard

    I have a friend joining a 3.5 campaign and Im helping him build is character. He wants to be a bard which is the only base class that I have never played or played with, so I need help building him. I have heard that bards are not the best class I the world and I don't want him to feel useless...
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    Post your party alignment here! *Systems with nine alignments only*

    My current party is CN CN CN CN CG NG NG NN NN LN Yes I know that's a big party but that's how we like it lol
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    3.0 Druid Help

    Thank you this is what i was looking for and it will be put to good use.
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    3.0 Druid Help

    I am currently working on building a Druid for a 3.0 campaign. I decided to play a dwarf because it is something different (no one in my party has ever played a Druid or a dwarf) and think it would be fun to roleplay. The stats I rolled are Str-11 Con-19 (17+2) Dex-14 Wis-18 Int-12 Cha-10...
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    Factotum or Rogue/Swash Need help desiding

    Thank you all for the replies. They have helped. Would an archery build be effective on a factotum?