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  1. D

    Adjudicating the Animal Companion

    As I said before, I have read the animal companion rules several times. I already know that bonus HD granted from being a companion does not count towards increasing an animals size. What I did was increase the eagle's size before I befriended it (I'm a player and a DM in a rotation of 3 DMs)...
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    Adjudicating the Animal Companion

    Wow, that is a nasty little bugger. I certainly wouldn't allow that in my campaign. At least not without a bigger penalty. Still...I am aware that some rules might not be entirely thought out. I guess a better question would be to ask if anyone could see any possible abuse with the route I've...
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    Adjudicating the Animal Companion

    Let me start off by saying that I've read the rules for an animal companions...extensively. I understand how the level adjustments work for acquiring an animal companion of a stronger variety. Now then... After adventuring with my wolf for a few levels (6 I think), I decided it was time for a...
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    Campaign Balance

    After speaking with the player about the removal of -2 WIS he informed me that he wouldn't mind if it was included. He even pointed out that Ansolon (His rakshasa's last name) literally means "without wisdom". So I have re-added the penalty. I originally thought of removing only on the ground of...
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    Campaign Balance

    Duly noted. Just the -2 WIS. Why? Is that not wise? (Pun intended)
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    Campaign Balance

    He has agreed to use my (considering the amount of help you added I should say our) level adjusted race. The only slight differences are that the spell resistance has been altered (was a set number but i realized it would be useless at higher levels) to 5 + ECL. Also I have removed the -2...
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    Campaign Balance

    Okay, here's what I think I'm going to show to my player: Rakshasa (Medium Outsider) Level adjustment +2 +2 CHA, +2 CON, -2 WIS 40ft speed 60ft Darkvision Automatic Languages: Common, Infernal, Undercommon 2 Claws (1d4 + STR bonus) Vulnerability to Blessed crossbow bolts (Yes, it must be...
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    Campaign Balance

    In the MM, Rakshasas as characters have no bad stats (+2 STR, +4 DEX, +6 CON, +2 INT, +2 WIS and +6 WIS). SS has the starting abilitiy adjustments at +2 CON and +2 CHA. Given that these are its strongest abilities (according to MM), I wouldn't mind allowing just those two bonuses. Maybe add a -2...
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    Campaign Balance

    Maybe it was the way I wrote my inquiry, but I do understand how racial HD, templates and such contribute to an ECL. That said, I have come to the conclusion that I will not be giving my players any more starting gold in an attempt to create balance. Rather I will begin the campaign with a 7th...
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    Campaign Balance

    Some Players might not want a template, but I want to limit the amount of class levels to five. The increased starting gold just seems more ridiculous after scanning what they might actually buy with the money (Which also applies to putting an artifact into a level 5 character's hands). I still...
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    Campaign Balance

    True. Do you have any ideas on how to balance characters who wouldn't want a level adjustment? (Besides more class levels). Maybe tone down the amount of gold and completely ditch the artifact.
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    Campaign Balance

    I've been toying with an experimental character creation method for a campaign I will be running that's been altered since I first saw it. Basically each character would start out with 5 levels of a base class. Then they are given to "points" that they can spend to gain other benefits: 1 point=...
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    Pathfinder 1E Thinking towards Pathfinder.

    Thanks for the information! Pathfinder rules seem to be a bit more streamlined (I love the combat maneuvers system). Of course I still need to talk with my players about making the switch. One last question: What books are absolute essential to be considered playing under Pathfinder rules? That...
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    Pathfinder 1E Thinking towards Pathfinder.

    I might be running a campaign and I am thinking towards using Pathfinder rules. The players are all used to 3.5 rulings and I'm wondering if the switch would be easy to pickup? Would I have to use a different monster manual or is the standard 3.0 and 3.5 books (Only books I have available...
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    To kill a god...

    I understand completely and am glad of your contributions. The evil god would choose essentially any good-aligned creature, even a humble peasant. When the being rises to godhood the divine ranks of the gods' powers he is "absorbing" will still be intact. The evil deity will then have to take...
  16. D

    To kill a god...

    Yes, but only if they have ownership of the soul when the time comes to return to their former status. If, for example, an evil god kills all of the good deities that grant access to the good domain, obviously you can't be an evil and good god so the duty would land on him/her to find a suitable...
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    To kill a god...

    Yes, this kind of thinking will be necessary as I plan to scale the gods according to where the party is at. It won't be some magic gun they can use but a piece of information, unique magical item, other aid or all three if the PCs can manage it. The gods have plans so the players will need them...
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    To kill a god...

    I feel the friends that I play with are too attached to the standard pantheon and they would feel more of a connection with the world if it were to stay that way. Immersion is the second most important thing to consider (next to fun) and it will be helped in this way. That's not say i won't slip...
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    To kill a god...

    This is why i would probably end up giving the player the access to choose what his portfolio is made of. A balance is nice in the pantheon portfolios but i can't imagine it being too screwed since the campaign will be over. Interesting? Yes. Fun? maybe not. I don't want to force my players...
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    To kill a god...

    Yes, the deities are mortal when they die. The divine power within them is barely accessible to them, which is why they are still considered a god/mortal, if that makes any sense. Though i doubt if Kord, as an example, would return to Ysgard as a petitioner (The bitter feelings and all that)...