• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. BBs

    BBs Rise of the Runelords: Burnt Offerings (Closed)

    Allrighty since Dharuhk Svahre has been waiting patiently for everyone to finish, which we've been slow at! I'm bumping Jemal out of this one, and replacing his role at the bar with Wayeen. Wayeen After a hard's days work of miserableness you've decided to let loose into the bar late this...
  2. BBs

    BBs Rise of the Runelords: Burnt Offerings (Closed)

    Edge Shayliss is speechless by the approach and just turns red. All she could do is grab Edge's hand and lead her to the general store. Once inside she leads him to the basement. There is a cot in the far end of the room, and she appears to attempt to pull off her bodice. HOWEVER JUST THEN...
  3. BBs

    BBs Rise of the Runelords: Burnt Offerings (Closed)

    Edge's flick of the hair and smile quickly melts the woman he's inquiring. "Oh my, well that's Shayliss Vender, sister of Katrine Vender. They are nothing but trouble makers, but Shayliss is even more so. Just becareful with her, and delicate, as the father is the owner of the general store...
  4. BBs

    BBs Rise of the Runelords: Burnt Offerings (Closed)

    Wayeen Ignoring the annoying Aldern has given his perceptive senses enough realized something, there is absolutely no sound. No birds, insects, random animal sounds, there is nothing. This is unnatural and it is scary, especially for a hunter, something is definitely amiss. Wayeen and Aldern...
  5. BBs

    Gaming w/Jemal: Mutant Apocalypse Issue 3: Fallout

    ​Laura goes to Fulcrum's side. "Nothing really works out well for us, but here is to hard working."​ She gives a nod that she is ready for the next step.
  6. BBs

    BBs Rise of the Runelords: Burnt Offerings (Closed)

    Wayeen succeeds at ignoring the nobleman's bombardment of questions by getting an unnatural scent in the air. He takes the lead and starts following it and tracking it to an opening forest area, loosing the scent. He feels time was wasted until he spots a pure red feather on the ground. He...
  7. BBs

    BBs Rise of the Runelords: Burnt Offerings (Closed)

    Sheriff Hemlock, Orgyl, and Kat meet up with Father Zantus near the front of Ezakien Tobyn's vault. "Thank you all for comming, this is just wrong! Who would desecrate a tomb? It is just not right!" As the sheriff tries to calm down the father, Orgyl and Kat try to investigate outside the...
  8. Norah.jpg


  9. BBs

    BBs Rise of the Runelords: Burnt Offerings (Closed)

    Part Two: Local Heroes Here our little tale continues with the heroes in Snadpoint. Everyone and their nieces and nephews heard the tale of a group of six individuals shatter an army of goblins to save the town! A simple walk down main street is more than enough attention! Local Baker Alma...
  10. BBs

    BBs Rise of the Runelords: Burnt Offerings (Closed)

    Wayeen's taunt to the goblin gave it a furious growl, with a leap the goblin barely manages to hit the little guy! The crazed goblin knocks the hero down, and stabs and gashes at him with his dogslicer! However the goblin is distracted as Altira does a 360 degree turning kick into his face and...
  11. BBs

    BBs Rise of the Runelords: Burnt Offerings (Closed)

    Behemoth leaps into the air and lands between the Goblin Dog, and the Goblin! His first strike lops the goblin's head off, but the Goblin Dog gets an open strike at the great goliath! However the winged hero moves his arm in front of him to catch the crazed weird creature with his forearm. The...
  12. BBs

    BBs Rise of the Runelords (Closed)

  13. BBs

    BBs Rise of the Runelords: Burnt Offerings (Closed)

    Edge's calculated cartwheel went through the goblin with his decisive strikes. Edge stopped his cartwheel behind the goblin, and for a moment all was still ... Until the Goblin splits in half! The battle rages on! The crit was enough to fell the goblin! The modified list is as follows! 1st =...
  14. BBs

    Gaming w/Jemal: Mutant Apocalypse Issue 3: Fallout

    "Well seeing as we're waiting for brain boy, want me to try to knock him out? That or Frost freezing him in a huge ice might put him to sleep for a while? Just not permanent hopefully." If there are no objections though, Laura will attempt to knock out lizard man with her powers.
  15. BBs

    BBs Rise of the Runelords: Burnt Offerings (Closed)

    The Goblin Commando starts to attempt to rally the troops, that is until a wolf girl sprangs onto it's neck. The powerful chomp seperates the head from the body, rolling down on the ground with a thud! There is a moment of silence with fear entering the goblins' eyes! Just then the goblin dog's...
  16. BBs

    BBs Rise of the Runelords: Burnt Offerings (Closed)

    Wayeen would have missed the reckless Goblin ... if it were not for the the reckless charge! He swats the goblin away like a bug! Mean while Orgyl's claws slash through the other goblin's throat, gasping for the air that will never come. Two goblins fall, the goblins superiority in numbers...
  17. BBs

    BBs Rise of the Runelords: Burnt Offerings (Closed)

    Kat's bullet fires right into the Goblin Commando's chest, bending him over his chest on his mount. for a few moments all is silent, until the Goblin Commando rises back up with a deadly grin! "Play time" And with that four of the goblins dash in charges towards the our heroes! Unfortunately...
  18. BBs

    BBs Rise of the Runelords: Burnt Offerings (Closed)

    uum is it me or is there no rolls of damage, hit, anything on D'Raven's post? Please use invisible castle now to link your rolls guys, it'll make it easier on me, and now that I figured out how to work it too, everyone will use it! Mwahahha! Or did you no shoot? Either way, need to know that...
  19. BBs

    BBs Rise of the Runelords: Burnt Offerings (Closed)

    okie dokie if you want the goblin to attack ... ATTACK! The goblin being outnumbered panics and strikes randomly at Edge, but misses horrendously. The rest of the heroes surround him, and wonder if he's a little lost! Chaos is still ushered, but it is noticeably getting under control and...
  20. BBs

    Gaming w/Jemal: Mutant Apocalypse Issue 3: Fallout

    A possible light bulb look goes over Laura "Perhaps I could attempt to knock them out beyond recovery, not sure if my powers can do that. Worth a shot?" She says with a shrug.