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Search results

  1. S

    Your ideal D&D movie/TV show?

    I would love to see a crime of the week show set in Sharn. sent from my Android phone
  2. S

    What makes Power Attack 'Good'?

    Maybe I'm wrong here but I always thought power attack didn't have the +5/-5 cap like combat expertise? Also if using a non-light weapon in two hands you get double the investment, so with a -5 you would get a +10 damage. *Just checked the d20srd and did not see any restrictions on the amount...
  3. S

    "Oh god what is that!"

    I have few times my players have asked "what the hell?" But my favorite time was when they cobalt pieced together what one of my NPCs was. Long story short time. The group was a bunch of neutral to evil types with one lone honor bound LG fighter. They come to a town that is under attack by some...
  4. S

    What's the Most Asinine Character Idea/Concept You've Dealt With?

    As a player I've been lucky and have omit played with one asinine character, Insanus the changeling. The player wanted to make a jack the ripper style pc but failed on so many levels it was sad. (His 5th level soul knife almost died to a random stray dog.) This pc only lasted two sessions...
  5. S

    Is D&D Art?

    I would say yes its an art form, afteral l its just extended creative writing. On the other hand I don't play to create a work of art, so d&d is an unintentional piece of spontaneous group art. sent from my Android phone
  6. S

    The person on the paper. (Most memorable characters.)

    I have a few but to be brief I'll stick with two. Siin 003 (As in ugly as sin) Warforged artifice/fighter I made Siin to be as simple and stereotypical as I could. He was for our first Eberron campaign and I just saw the cover of the book and just pointed and said "I wanna be that!" Not very...
  7. S


    Talking about the city watch I heard a rumor that they are doing a city watch tv show for the BBC. I know they've done other adaptations but they are...interesting.
  8. S

    MCWoD second edition?

    I feel your pain, I had a chance to buy the book when was new and passed it up. Then I had the chance to buy it used for $10 just recently at a garage sale, that book was in my pile of unplayed systems before you could say OGL. Anyway It's kinda sad how little press and fanfare the book got...
  9. S

    Coral Weapons?

    I remember that coral armor was in the 3.0 arms and equipment guide, I could be wrong though sent from my Android phone