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Search results

  1. D

    Review: The Slumbering Tsar Saga

    Fans win!! In our friendly competition for the Highest Funded RPG on Kickstarter, you, the fans win out. We are offering you even more at fantastic prices via this project only. Add $100 to receive The Slumbering Tsar Saga. (Retail $149.95). Clocking in at 950 pages, The Slumbering Tsar Saga is...
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    Review: The Slumbering Tsar Saga

    Subscriptions for Rappan Athuk now available And you can add them onto your original pledge now for 50 dollars more. See this link for more information: http://tsathogga.blogspot.com/2012/06/subscription-for-ra-now-available.html
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    Review: The Slumbering Tsar Saga

    ST full pdf available at Bytes Interactive For those who subscribed to Slumbering Tsar, by request we have the full pdf of the entire thing (sans bonus chapter) up on the A+Downloads. It's a big one, so be prepared for slow download speed.
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    Review: The Slumbering Tsar Saga

    We are pushing for it to be in print by GenCon. So August is the target date. As for layout, etc., we should be done with that soon. Some of the extras will take longer, but the book - out by August and hopefully for GenCon.
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    Review: The Slumbering Tsar Saga

    Vying for Top RPG of Kickstarter to date! 9 Days Left for Rappan Athuk Kickstarter! We are close but just ahead of the Traveller kickstarter in dollar amount, but not in backers! We've reached the $180,000 level which means that we will add in an Appendix of Gods & Demons from the World of...
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    Review: The Slumbering Tsar Saga

    Rappan Athuk Kickstarter - new stretch goal If we reach 1000 pledges, we are offering to give a set of custom Orcus dice (3-six siders and one 20 sider) to all those who pledged $20 or more, in addition to any other pledge awards and bonuses already earned! So tell your friends! We have three...
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    Review: The Slumbering Tsar Saga

    DaveMage is correct. The A+ Downloads person is on vacation. I don't have the exact date that he'll be back. I do know that our layout person has sent the file over for uploading. Hopefully this will be soon.
  8. D

    Review: The Slumbering Tsar Saga

    Frog God Games Acquires Necromancer Games Here's the link to the press release: LINK
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    Review: The Slumbering Tsar Saga

    I just now noticed this. For some reason EnWorld sends links to an old email of mine that I don't often check. Also, we Frogs have been in Dallas this past weekend attending the North Texas RPG Con where we had a huge announcment, more on that in a bit. To answer your question Thrilled, you...
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    Review: The Slumbering Tsar Saga

    Rappan Athuk Players! Is your GM going to run Rappan Athuk? Has he pledged enough to get the player's guide? Perhaps he is waiting to purchase his copy at his local game store come August when it arrives. Whichever is the case, it pays for an experienced party to BE PREPARED! You know this is...
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    Review: The Slumbering Tsar Saga

    Rappan Athuk Kickstarter Incidentally, we are currently offering Rappan Athuk in both the Pathfinder RPG rules and Swords & Wizardry rules via kickstarter. I had attempted to create its own thread, but EnWorld doesn't seem to want to let me. Here's the Link
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    Review: The Slumbering Tsar Saga

    It isn't necessarily a prequel as much as the two are very much linked together. You could conceivably run one as a continuation of the other generationally, with the sons and daughters (ie: brand new characters) of the heros or survivors of one (assuming there were any) delving for answers as...
  13. D

    Review: The Slumbering Tsar Saga

    I promised Greg and Bill I'd respond to this, so here goes. *clears throat* (figuratively) Greg Vaughan is a stud! You won't regret putting your players through the torture that is the City of the Slumbering Tsar. It ranges in difficulty from CR "Ow!! Damn that hurts" to a full-out CR...
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    [Frog God Games]Slumbering Tsar Saga Hardcover

    For those who have preordered The Slumbering Tsar hardcover directly from Frog God Games, here is a message from Greg A Vaughan: "VERY IMPORTANT!!!! I just talked to Bill. He is sending out the shipping e-mails to everyone who has ordered Tsar. If you do not receive an e-mail from Bill in the...
  15. D

    Frog God Games Announces Rappan Athuk (Complete?) for Pathfinder RPG

    rkuty We haven't finished this as yet. The Frog God has been adding new levels! We'll be sure to post here and on other messageboards when preordering is available. As to the cost, that we don't know yet. The cost will be announced when the preorders begin
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    [Frog God Games] Rappan Athuk

    Here's the most current info on Rappan Athuk, by Bill Webb: "--the name is simply "Rappan Athuk". Cover is faux leather, no cover art, engraved in gold (or red maybe?) is the name. my current thoughts at least" Pre-orders for Rappan Athuk are still slated to be available come March/April of...
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    [Frog God Games] Rappan Athuk

    This is what Bill Webb has to say regarding the above mentioned and other Necromancer Games adventures' potential for being updated to PFRPG: "Keep thinking along the WA/COB/Bard's Gate/Aby line/Barakus...I am looking at that as another huge book later--not ready to pull the trigger yet, but...
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    [Frog God Games] Rappan Athuk

    This just in from Frog God's Pathfinder RPG conversion specialist, Skeeter Green: "The new Pathfinder version is already looking awesome! The nPCs are getting reworked, many new feats and spells available from all the books pathfinder has put out, good good fun! And scary, did I mention...
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    Frog God Games Announces Rappan Athuk (Complete?) for Pathfinder RPG

    Good point Matt. Megadungeons work best as a GM's playground to place his or her own nefarious doings. Also I went back and checked my thread. The good sir Whizbang already commented on our product; and I like his single word comment. Carry on, Whizbang!
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    Frog God Games Announces Rappan Athuk (Complete?) for Pathfinder RPG

    I'm confused. How did an exciting message about Rappan Athuk being converted to both PFRPG and S&W rules become an argument over how the forums on this website are set up? Should that arguement even go here? I think it shouldn't. In fact, I think that Mr. Whizbang Dustyboots might reconsider...