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  1. CroBob

    D&D 5E Should the next edition of D&D promote more equality?

    It entirely removes the context of the sales war between the two, though. 4th edition, a streamlined, modern, reinvention of the classic, which many people had a knee-jerk reaction to, and Pathfinder, an unabashed clone with tweaks of 3.5 D&D. I really don't think the inclusion of diversity...
  2. CroBob

    D&D 5E Should the next edition of D&D promote more equality?

    So Wizards and Piazo have released their sales numbers to the general public after not doing so for years, such that we can actually make this claim to a reasonable extent? If we actually had sales figures, we could do this comparison. Sure. No problem. We don't. Acting like we have statistics...
  3. CroBob

    D&D 5E Should the next edition of D&D promote more equality?

    While I don't have an argument advocating to avoid diversity, per say, It has always irritated me when people quoted the famous "Variety is the spice of life". I mean, people can do whatever they want, interact with whomever they want, etc, but I'm not under the impression that something's good...
  4. CroBob

    D&D 5E Should the next edition of D&D promote more equality?

    So your entire argument is built on "In the real world it's like this" in order to support how something is in a fictional world? Yes, D&D is loosely based on European Medieval times, but the looseness of it is broad. D&D settings aren't even using the same countries you'd find in Europe, the...
  5. CroBob

    D&D 5E Should the next edition of D&D promote more equality?

    I agree it's not the case. I never said it was. I was including equal sexualization within a hypothetical scenario in order to examine what effect the perception of people has on the situation outside of what or whether art were actually done that way. Also, I can't think of any pose in a D&D...
  6. CroBob

    D&D 5E Should the next edition of D&D promote more equality?

    That's exactly my point. The only reason he's not as sexualized is because people don't find what he is sexy, even when the art itself makes both hypothetical people are wearing equally revealing clothing and are in as sexually charged a relative position as the other. The art treats them the...
  7. CroBob

    D&D 5E Should the next edition of D&D promote more equality?

    Maybe not, but I also think that two people in revealing clothing are thought of in certain ways due to the person perceiving them, too. Why does a sorceress and a barbarian, both equally partially nude, mean something different except because guys like looking at half naked women whereas women...
  8. CroBob

    D&D 5E Should the next edition of D&D promote more equality?

    On the sexualization of women in art; I like it. I'm not ashamed. I like pretty things, and unrealistic depictions of sexualized females are pretty. I just want to get this out in the open. I'm not going to lie in order to sound more meritorious or intellectual. However, the flip-side of this is...
  9. CroBob

    D&D 5E Should the next edition of D&D promote more equality?

    ... Like "elf"? I mean, I could see it being kind of cool to have races of humans that you couldn't find on the real Earth, but what's the point when you have so many of those in essence already? Also, I understand wanting to sort of map out where certain ethnicities might be from, as it's good...
  10. CroBob

    D&D 5E Should the next edition of D&D promote more equality?

    The only real problem I can see for human ethnicity is that you'd then have to explain why these people are different in appearance, which really isn't a hurdle because the game doesn't need to explain it, the DM does. Even then, the DM doesn't really have to. It can just be a superficial thing...
  11. CroBob

    Communal World Building

    I see no need for a map. Firstly, it'd need to be updated with every post. Secondly, it would limit the imagination to the world as on the map... unless someone defines the borders of the playable world, of course.
  12. CroBob

    How decisive should each combat round be in terms of HP loss/healing?

    I really don't think it's fair for your product to worry too much about the preconceived notions formed from the play of different games. On the other hand, there's also the coconut effect to worry about. I guess it depends on if you want to make a solid game, a good product, or something...
  13. CroBob

    How decisive should each combat round be in terms of HP loss/healing?

    Sure. It's not so much you get attached to that specific character, so much as the character concept. You come up with a fun concept you're looking forward to playing, then splat, there he goes. You could, technically, just make someone with the same concept for your next character, but that's...
  14. CroBob

    How decisive should each combat round be in terms of HP loss/healing?

    That's exactly the reason I prefer HPs. I don't want my games to be super realistic for realism's sake. HPs give you a buffer between "hit" and "dead". When it comes right down to it, many more attacks will be made at the PCs than any one of their enemies, making lethality apply more to them...
  15. CroBob

    Communal World Building

    As a forum game, and a quick source for ideas for the procrastinating fantasy game GM, I propose we create a world, one short contibution at a time. It's simple, name a place, person, or thing, supply a short description (about one paragraph), and make it applicable to no specific gaming system...
  16. CroBob

    Why is realism "lame"?

    Well, exactly what happens with classes, it's bound to alienate some players. Too many people simply want different things, and I don't want to derail this thread too far. Relevant to the thread, I don't think realism should be too big of a concern. It boils down to a decision to make "mundane"...
  17. CroBob


    Yes, I know. It's just that Skyrim is kind of crap when you consider all the problems it has. All the bugs, the mediocre voice acting, the dialogue not updating to current situations, etc. It's a very fun game, but it was incomplete at launch, at best.
  18. CroBob

    Why is realism "lame"?

    That's essentially what I'm saying. Third edition did a good job of identifying iconic D&D mechanics. They took the d20, making it the standard resolution rolling mechanism. I don't want iconic flavor, I want iconic mechanics. HP, AC, Attack rolls, damage rolls, etc. A very basic mechanical...
  19. CroBob


    I can't claim the same. Part of Skyrim's charm is seeing a new bug or playing with the console with the explosive chickens mod active, to me. The story, while interesting, couldn't exactly be considered deep. More story in different locations I doubt would be deeper. It could be, sure. As an...
  20. CroBob

    Why is realism "lame"?

    These posts are growing too long, so here; I agree that a modular system of rules would be a good thing. What I disagree with is that a system which is so modular that it can fit any form of fantasy RPG you can think of should be called a specific game instead of a game building tool. Yes, D&D...