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  1. Hezrou

    Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder Battles: Rise of the Runelords Minis

    Well if the set is reasonably priced, instead of the laughable $300 or so they want for their other sets than id be interested. Certainly high quality work here.
  2. Hezrou

    Who is the flame princess?

    Wow. That story is just pure awesome and interesting! A whole RPG system based on that is something I could get behind. Just reading those few paragraphs about it gave me chills.
  3. Hezrou

    Social Skills, starting to bug me.

    Honestly if someone is that socially inept they can't even roleplay a simple conversation with a guard or whomever then they really should find a new hobby. RPGS are face to face social experiences to being with. Hell you don't have to give the worlds most perfect lie to bluff the guard, just...
  4. Hezrou

    Social Skills, starting to bug me.

    I'm with you, I have been DMing since the days of 2nd edition as playing with the same people since then and even though we liked 3rd (and pathfinder which we now play) we never use any of the social skills and that's the way we like to play. The game is already combat focused enough to be...
  5. Hezrou

    Pathfinder 1E This is why pathfinder has been successful.

    Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! There's a Fallout pen n paper game now? o_0 SOLD.
  6. Hezrou

    What's your favorite edition of D&D (so far)?

    I was one of 10 to vote for 2nd edition....whhhaaaaaaaat :P C'mon guys 2nd edition had Planescape that right there = win. I also really like Pathfinder and 3rd edition too but I didn't see an option to select multiple things.
  7. Hezrou

    Pathfinder 1E This is why pathfinder has been successful.

    I have noticed this 15 MAD thing somewhat as well. Recently I started Dming pathfinder and my wizard player tends to love to sleep (I joke that his wizard is fat and lazy lol ) but this was moreso from levels 1-5 he just hit 7th and from 5th onward or so its gotten back to normal to being able...
  8. Hezrou

    2012 PC Bodycount thread

    1 dead NPC, merry level 3 rogue Dming my pc through legacy of fire adventure path for pathfinder. IN the first module their is a side adventure you can explore that has a wereleopard that hits pretty hard, a critical claw drove her into the afterlife. She has since been replaced and forgotten...
  9. Hezrou

    What are you working on? (Playing, GMing, desigining, etc)

    Hey all long time lurker new poster, nice thread here. I recently got back into roleplaying after an almost 6 year hiatus and i'm running pathfinder at the moment. Once a DM always a DM lol I love it. I started playing when second edition was fairly new and I was one of those weirdos who always...