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  1. M

    [Ro3 5/15] Traits? lol wut?

    Shades of Iron Heroes? I think these traits are like the ones originally from Mearls' Iron Heroes. If that is the case, I really hope they clean up the design - some of those traits were things like "you speak three more languages!" and others were more like "You're really big and strong! (Add...
  2. M

    D&D 5E How should 5e handle rules problems?

    Why errata is more complicated in D&D I love and hate errata. I like to have rules work better in my game, so I like when problem areas in the rules are amended. I hate when errata becomes so extensive as to make books irrelevant. Here are reasons why we should push for as little errata as...
  3. M

    The danger of the Three Pillars of D&D

    This still worries me. I could actually have fun either way - the game where everyone has something good to do in each of the three 'pillars' is my ideal game; the game where individual players can sacrifice strength in one pillar for ability in another would be fine, too, though I wouldn't like...
  4. M


    Magic I agree, but I would go even further and make every spellcaster of any sort a uniquely flavored class with a specific spell list and set of abilities. Wide-open classes like the mage, and the cleric in particular, can easily become unbalanced as the inevitable addition of new spells...
  5. M

    Individuality and Teamwork in D&D

    Teamwork? I agree with ExploderWizard, in part. One of the major failings of every edition is its forcing players to play particular roles to make the party successful. Clerics have long been indispensible, or at least, healing has - and I don't think that one of the possible 3E solutions...
  6. M

    D&D 5E D&D Next Blog - The Fighter

    Asymmetry I tend to think that this is where editions differ most. I'm not sure it's possible to reconcile the fighter as "the guy who hacks at things with an axe until they die, and only that" with the fighter as "the tactical guy who solves enemies like puzzles and tactics his way out". The...
  7. M

    D&D 5E Things That Worry Me About D&D Next (As Described)

    You know, I'm sympathetic to this view. But I can't help but think that this degenerates into something that doesn't match this vision. I don't have a problem with "Fred's character being a little better" than mine at any particular thing, regardless of the focus area. If that were the only...
  8. M

    D&D 5E Things That Worry Me About D&D Next (As Described)

    The rest of you? I didn't know I was a visible minority. Fair enough, though - it has always seemed easier to me and mine to ignore elements we didn't like or use. I suppose another way of doing this would be to have no "baseline" classes at all; instead, we could have several versions of...
  9. M

    D&D 5E Things That Worry Me About D&D Next (As Described)

    Worst idea? I suppose its good that I'm casually posting on a message forum, and not a paid game designer offering exhaustive and serious solutions. I guess what I meant was that character resources shouldn't be able to be spent in ways that trade one area for another. So I would disagree with...
  10. M

    D&D 5E Things That Worry Me About D&D Next (As Described)

    I suppose we could do that if it really solved the problem. I actually like "reskinning" quite a lot, as a concept. My problem is having a character that simply is, by design, worse at, or better than, 1/3 or more of the game. Not unless the numbers of classes are such that this is not a...
  11. M

    D&D 5E Things That Worry Me About D&D Next (As Described)

    1. Class Balance There are two things that worry me here: 1. The ability to trade mechanical bonuses for flexibility. I just don’t see how this can work. If one fighter can simply stack bonuses and damage for every level, and another fighter can trade these bonuses for different ways of...