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  1. Sorcerer Leukocyte

    Sudden Message Abduction

    Until a day or two ago the problem was mostly fixed. Comments posted still required moderation, but I was able to approve all the comments that came through. As of tonight I have found that I am unable to approve posts.
  2. Sorcerer Leukocyte

    Sudden Message Abduction

    All of a sudden myself and another member of one of my forum campaigns cannot post. When we try, our message contains the 'This Message Is Moderated' line at the top. I have notifications for all of these messages, claiming that they need approval. Another member of the forum can post without...
  3. Sorcerer Leukocyte

    Sudden Comment Moderation

    My campaign has never required that posts be approved, but earlier tonight one of my players reported just that his comment was blocked until approved. I attempted to approve the comment and got the following error message: Warning...
  4. Sorcerer Leukocyte

    Cannot access my own campaign

    My group has been using ENWorld for our online campaigns for quite a while, but just now something seems to have gone wrong. Last night I created the group for our third campaign, but every time I try to access it I am redirected to the "You do not have permission to access this page." vBulletin...
  5. Sorcerer Leukocyte

    Name Spelled Incorrectly

    Thanks to everyone in this thread for their help!
  6. Sorcerer Leukocyte

    Name Spelled Incorrectly

    Being tired, I accidentally spelled my name incorrectly during account creation. The name I was aiming for was Satellite 5. If it can be changed or anyone has instructions on where to ask to have it changed, I would be grateful.