• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. P

    How do you feel about player-on-player dice rolling?

    As straight-forward as the title.
  2. P

    VTMB Bloodlines 2 trailer released -- will it incline?

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYvWfDxhm_s (I know this is technically a video game but this game will have a seismic impact on bringing new players to the tabletop + affect how the IP is perceived in the mainstream and wider RPG culture so it's relevant especially after the divisive 5th ed...
  3. P

    Role-Players vs. Actors

    This one is... not so good. But because I'm the curious type, I clicked on the home link up top... ... and was pleasantly surprised. This one? Hilarious! (Players at my tables may have done this to another player once or twice...*grin*).
  4. P

    Encouraging interactions in new adventuring parties

    Interaction Moments aka IMs. I came up with these a few years ago while hosting 8-10+ player games regularly. They are the best thing for the social side of RPGs ever. I've seen no other GM ever do this or even see it talked about online which is crazy since its so simple but so powerful. They...
  5. P

    "I Quit" Public Play - Am I just an impatient jerk? (LONG)

    I strongly suggest a different path: Found a club. Found a club. Accomodate larger tables: 7-11 players is a nice size for club games (also an old standby but pricey destination for late-night gaming grub!). All gamebooks and supplements valid unless houseruled out. Get a doc together going...
  6. P

    Why does the stigma of the "jerk GM" still persist in our hobby?

    You can mute someone in computer games quite easily. You can blacklist them, too. There's no real cost to the mutee/banee... until you try to get involved in higher-level, proper team play or even when you've just got a few cold kills under your belt. Then effort must be put in and real skill...
  7. P

    Why does the stigma of the "jerk GM" still persist in our hobby?

    Buy-in level. ... You literally need just a pen and paper to get started in this hobby. You don't even need to buy a gamebook -- you can borrow a friend's or even spontaneously come up with a primitive form of RPG yourself. You don't even need to GM. Even computer games require you have a PC...
  8. P

    Decapitation and lethality in your game

    How important is it for you to have the possibility of decapitation for any character unlucky enough to receive damage? What should the chance of a character being maimed be? Does this add to the lethality of a game or is it a step too far? How severe should the effects be? Does it depend on the...
  9. P

    Blades In The Dark

    Let me be more specific: a crime syndicate. Not just the PCs as one crew acting independently with the occasional favor from an associate -- the PC crew is instead the core leadership of a structure involving multiple crews planning and executing various criminal schemes semi-autonomously under...
  10. P

    Convention Prep - what's on your list?

    This is one of the nerdiest threads on any forum ever. I love it.
  11. P

    Blades In The Dark

    Does this game support running an organized crime faction? I'm seeing some strategic elements mentioned (particularly hawkeyefan's rundown) that seem a bit too high-level for a heist crew. Or is this something you would have to homebrew to do effectively?
  12. P

    Blades In The Dark

    Sounds like real-life. Those with the strongest internal resolve almost always experience the greatest of successes this world has to offer. You just have to get through, going through things that would destroy lesser men, making hard decisions, knowing somehow and in some way that you will come...
  13. P

    Designing my own system looking for help

    We get it, you said all this before. All this discussion is great but... What. Have. You. Produced. So. Far? Have you put pen to paper yet? Fingers to keyboard? What actual stuff about your system have you written so far?
  14. P

    Designing my own system looking for help

    I recently released my own RPG system for sale which you can see the blurb for here. I am currently designing an official setting for it to be released in the near-future. This setting will also feature its own magic sub-system. All this to say, I know something about what goes into making one...
  15. P

    As a GM, how do you manage your time?

    Improv. Improv. Improv. 99% of your game should be improvised. You have maybe the title of the game, a scenario outline, a few NPC ideas, a rough mental map of the area and you're ready to go. The best GMs run off pure instinct. Planning is a crutch that will kneecap you in the long-run. And...
  16. P

    [Black Lion Games] S.I.T.R.E.P discussion

    I've made a new RPG system named S.I.T.R.E.P -- you can check it out the blurb here. This thread is for pure discussion of it. Having been on ENWorld for awhile and considering it a friendly but fair community, I think this'll be one of the more productive places for it. Famous last words, I'm...
  17. P

    S.I.T.R.E.P from Black Lion Games -- streamlined roleplaying without all the fluff!

    S.I.T.R.E.P is a ...new-school ...modular ...lightweight ...accessible approach to roleplaying games. Buy @ DriveThruRPG for only £7.99! (That's less than a London takeaway -- now isn't that just a cracking deal.) What is S.I.T.R.E.P? A lightweight, accessible RPG system intended for groups...
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  19. P

    PVP combat issue

    These imbred-donkeys need to calm the act-of-procreation down. I honestly can't fathom what goes through players heads when they think resorting to KGB-inspired solutions is what will solve this offensive-bodily-product. Your best thing is to talk it out but with the strong suggestion of having...
  20. P

    D&D 5E Your one best piece of GM/DM advice?

    Improv first, plan second.