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  1. Yoh-01

    [AKA Games] Shayô is launching in English this spring

    [AKA Games] Shayô is launching in English this spring Devastated a long time ago by the Tenbatsu - the divine wrath - Hi-no-moto rebuilt itself over the ruins of Japan. Ruthless samurais, wandering techs looking for relics of the ancient world, blind priestesses, mad exorcists, and...
  2. Yoh-01

    [AKA Games] First Contact: X-Corps is now live!

    Greetings fellow ENWorld residents, I’m pleased to announce that the Kickstarter for the English translation of First Contact: X-Corps is now live at: First Contact: X-Corps is a Spanish tabletop RPG that...
  3. Yoh-01

    Free [AKA Games] Free 'First Contact: X-Corps' quickstart rules

    Dear EN World residents, The London-based publisher AKA Games is proud to announce the release of its free quickstart rules for First Contact: X-Corps (you can grab the file HERE). This 56-page long document contains the essential rules of the game, a brief description of the setting, 12...
  4. Yoh-01

    [Convention] Les Chimériades 4 - South-Eastern France, 8 to 11 May, 2014

    [Convention] Les Chimériades 4 - South-Eastern France, 8 to 11 May, 2014 The Chimériades 4 convention will be held from May 8 to May 11, 2014 in Château de Buoux, a castle located right in the heart of Provence, South-Eastern France. For this fourth iteration, come and enjoy three relaxing...