• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. Eldarain

    Kickstarter Drake Miniatures Kickstarter

    Newest update: (There is an alternate arm bit for the balista crew if you're not a fan of her attitude ;) )
  2. Eldarain

    Kickstarter Drake Miniatures Kickstarter

    New update showing the scale of the Drake miniatures
  3. Eldarain

    Kickstarter Drake Miniatures Kickstarter

    Happy Friday Everyone! I thought I would share some of our new models for the Un-aligned force, presenting Ghast and Son! Ghast is a member of the Huma tribal group of the eastern mountains. Much like the Grom and Cherek his people have undergone significant displacement as humanity...
  4. Eldarain

    Kickstarter Drake Miniatures Kickstarter

    Project Update #31: KS Exclusive Miniature! Posted by Action Games Miniatures Greetings everyone! Action Games Miniatures is proud to present our Kickstarter exclusive miniature. The brutal, the terrifying BASTILLE. This model is only available for this Kickstarter...
  5. Eldarain

    Kickstarter Drake Miniatures Kickstarter

    Our first look at the new castings http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLGa4kvwWMY&feature=youtu.be
  6. Eldarain

    Kickstarter Drake Miniatures Kickstarter

    AGM has amended the way the stretch goal miniatures are unlocked. You now qualify for the Army box and Ultimate level unlocks if you're pledge after any add-ons (but not including any shipping costs) equals or exceeds $85 or $240 respectively. They have some of the completed miniatures in hand...
  7. Eldarain

    Kickstarter Drake Miniatures Kickstarter

    Project Update #25: Oolen Mini Stretch Goal announced!! Posted by Action Games Miniatures Bam! Here is a surprise mini stretch goal for all you dragon fans out there! One incredible spirit creature added FREE to every army box pledge or higher when we reach $45K. All...
  8. Eldarain

    Kickstarter Drake Miniatures Kickstarter

    If all goes well we should be getting a look at the miniatures themselves this week. They plan to put up an unboxing vid and pictures. I will post them here once we get them.
  9. Eldarain

    Kickstarter Drake Miniatures Kickstarter

    40,000 stretch goal unlocked. A unit of three of these heavy infantry is now added to all army boxes. (So 9 of them added to the Ultimate level) The 50,000 level hasn't been fully revealed but it will be a Large Miniature for each faction. This is the Garrick factions 50,000 miniature. The...
  10. Eldarain

    Do you do this?

    I'm definitely in the camp of focusing in on one genre or subject at a time. Usually to the point that I not only exclusively play games that fit within the topic, but also try and find all the literature tv shows, and movies that will immerse me even further.
  11. Eldarain

    You're doing what? Surprising the DM

    That's actually a really good point. The best games seem to be when the path the GM thought things were going to go down, gets altered into something no one expected based on Player choice.
  12. Eldarain

    Kickstarter Dungeon Crawler KickStarter Launched for Kraken Miniature

    That Kraken is looking really nice. Thanks for the link.
  13. Eldarain

    [March] What are you watching?

    We've been getting caught up on Homeland, so many people were raving about that we had to give it a shot. We're only 6 episodes into the first season but it seems really engaging. Really strong writing so far.
  14. Eldarain

    The Walking Dead 3.14 - Prey (spoiler alert)

    I thought the cat and mouse dragged on a bit longer than it needed to myself. Definitely shaping up to be a crazy last two episodes though.
  15. Eldarain

    [March] What are you reading?

    I'm catching up on the Horus Heresy books I haven't read yet. On Legion right now.
  16. Eldarain

    New Game of Thrones trailer - No Mercy

    The wait is killing me. It was better when they weren't taunting us with these sneak peeks.
  17. Eldarain

    Kickstarter Drake Miniatures Kickstarter

    Well I know from experience with Kickstarters, they don't take your money until it ends. This lets the idea of pledging fester in your mind for over a month. I usually end up caving by then...
  18. Eldarain

    Kickstarter Drake Miniatures Kickstarter

    Here are the three army box level pledges. This is the "sweet spot" pledge level that gets additional miniatures as the goals are met. There is also a larger Ultimate level that includes all three as well as specific unlocks that only the Ultimate level receives free. Everything unlocked is also...
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