• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Night

    Monsters - How to best run them?

    Wearing the PCs down is really the key to 4th ed play: a party can handle pretty much any sane (even "very hard" XP-wise) encounter without too much trouble, they're built in with a lot of different tools for the task. This gets harder when they have to do three, four, or five in a row without...
  2. Night

    Forked Thread: Improved Encounter Builder

    I really don't understand why they didn't do it this way in the first place! Free or no, they could simply have linked to the compendium entries. It'd be more useful than it is currently; would make it a lot faster for me to just click and grab and print on my own than going back and pulling...
  3. Night

    What system elements promote and hinder roleplaying (inspired by "does 4e hinder ")

    Good mechanics will prop up roleplaying -- while rules-light systems are tempting since there's no potential stumbling blocks, it can also be harder to wrap your mind around more esoteric concepts without some crutch of support. Good mechanics put everyone on the same wavelength and help with...
  4. Night

    The Migration of Information Across the Screen

    Besides all which, the drawback for me of obfuscated rules hiding in multiple books was, well, pretty straightforward -- I couldn't remember all of them, so I wouldn't usually be trying to "pull one over" on players messing up, I'd just screw up from time to time. And that could lead to...
  5. Night

    Arcane Power Excerpt: Rituals

    I can see an argument for cost being overblown, but not cast time by and large. Rituals like shadow walk or phantom steed would make much more effective escape tools, to be sure, if the former didn't take an hour to cast -- but they're not supposed to be escape tools, and I don't want to...
  6. Night

    Inspiration? Where are you?

    I get most of my inspiration, actually, just from discussing the game with my players; hearing things they've come up with, talking about obscure lore info from some forgotten sourcebook they remember, and just bouncing ideas back and forth. It can be a little aggravating when they're all...
  7. Night

    Has anyone tried gaming via webcam?

    Because Map Tool is free and also works quite well (though I'm not knocking Klooge Werks, really; it doesn't really visually appeal to me but it's clearly well put-together). On topic, if you're looking to game online, I would look to virtual tabletops like are being mentioned; wrestling with...
  8. Night

    The Migration of Information Across the Screen

    Thing is, Wik, sometimes they do get X and we've just forgotten. I don't think that's a hindrance or costs me any power; on the contrary, it saves me from having quite such a burden of knowing every facet of the rules. I play with a couple of guys who can get a bit into too much rules...
  9. Night

    Who hasn't RPG'd in a while?

    I suppose this isn't quite what you're referring to, but it occurred to me just now that while I've been DMing semi-regular, I haven't actually played in a campaign in a couple of years. Going to bug me, now.
  10. Night

    Making Things Harder on my Party

    We run in Map Tool online, so there's not really time for more than two or so good encounters in a session (turns just take a bit longer, in my experience). Good advice all around, here -- I'd sort of dismissed minions, since swordmages have some burst, but I suppose that it's pretty short...
  11. Night

    Let's Speculate - Arcane Power

    Actually, Rechan, you've hit on precisely what I hope to see out of this book (though not necessarily what I expect to): options for wizards that will make the controller role a little more clear cut. I still don't fully understand exactly how they're meant to, well, control beyond having a...
  12. Night

    Making Things Harder on my Party

    I've been running a long-term campaign in 4E since last summer, and while it's had its ups and downs, despite holding true - or even cheating up a bit - to suggested XP spending on encounters, for the most part things have tended to run pretty easy. The group's not way off ahead of where...
  13. Night

    Magic Industrial Revolution (Need Suggestions)

    If you want to make something memorable, you really have to look at things from the fantasy perspective and just chuck history out the window entirely; a high-magic setting isn't going to have things like the mana-driven printing press as its first priority; they can already replicate these...
  14. Night

    Dungeon Ideas - Hit a Brick Wall

    If you haven't already defined precisely what the stolen magical item is, I think a neat way to really keep it at the forefront of your party's mind is to incorporate the relic itself into the dungeon, either by denizens attracted to it -- all manner of possibilities there for something dragons...
  15. Night

    Let's Speculate - Arcane Power

    I totally forgot about that, actually! It didn't really stick in my mind because it seems like such a broad concept; callback to 3rd ed's Tome of Magic, isn't it?
  16. Night

    Let's Speculate - Arcane Power

    I'd love to see a wizard build based around necromancy, but I have a sneaking suspicion that they'll save that for a book built around a Shadow power source and not mix it with the arcane. Given that I'd guess illusionist is a good bet; I just can't see necromancers or illusionists either one...
  17. Night

    Sample Character request: Warrior/Mage

    I think with a little planning ahead, you can mostly make this work with nothing more than the Quick Draw feat.
  18. Night

    WotC Official PDF versions - would you buy them?

    I'll probably be buying them for - yes - full hardcover price from drivethrurpg in PDF form the moment they're available. I largely game online with friends spread out across the country, these days, and while I'm firmly anti-piracy the ability to let my friends look over a book while they're...