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  1. D

    Second-Guessing Myself: Allow Teleporting While Falling?

    Wow - I miss the forum for one day and A LOT of awesome conversation went on! delericho Nice idea about the athletics check Very interesting insights, everyone. So it's the difference between upholding the integrity of the rules and the wisdom of when to break them? If you have players that...
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    Second-Guessing Myself: Allow Teleporting While Falling?

    Neonchameleon: the teleport power was an Effect before the attack roll of the encounter attack power. chitzk0i: the pit was 6 squares across and the enemy was 1 square in (7 distance) - the teleport was only 5 squares. delericho: just to clarify, he did a move (the jump) and a standard...
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    Second-Guessing Myself: Allow Teleporting While Falling?

    I made a call as DM in a game of mine, and the player is arguing it. Nothing new, but this player is particularly upset about it (as much so as a normal person would be anyway). This is causing me to reconsider a little. So I ask you - am I crazy to have made this call: In a recent game, the...
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    1st Level Solo Brute (For Review)

    It looks similar to what a 1st level white dragon would be, so it looks good to me.
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    Necron - a grim undead-like living construct

    I owe you an appology, LordArchaon: when I first saw this thread I rolled my eyes at the cross-genre race. But after reading the stats and story, I think it's really cool. So - I'm sorry, and good work! Although most of the forum goers arn't stupid, I think you should re-word "Body of Metal"...
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    D&D 4E A Balanced 4E Pet System

    An animal cohort of some style is awesome - and thus memorable. Familiars tend to be less awesome and thus where more of a nuisance. In my circle of campaigns I've played in everyone ended up forgetting about their familiar until they wanted to role-play it. Otherwise a familiar has been used...
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    Item to Use Action Points

    While trying to find a muse I could talk to for a 4e campaign idea, I recalled the old GameBoy game Final Fantasy Legend 2. During the course of the game, you pick up small collectible items that you could equip on a character and they'd get a small boon out of it (usually just an effective...
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    The best of feats, the worst of feats...

    I'll vouch for quickdraw, since it isn't limited to weapons. PCs in a fight can drink a potion with a minor action (vs. using a minor to get the potion and a 2nd minor [read: move action] to drink it). PCs standing on the sideline can get out another piece of equipment and use it in one...
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    Ideas to get my players back to town? (KoTS Spoilers)

    I think this is the best idea so far for one important reason. If you over-sell the idea of playings needing to return to town because they can't sleep/eat/anything in a dungeon, you will be back here in a month with a thread asking us how to keep a party FROM returning to town instead of...
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    Foreshadowing the monk?

    If you are worried about a monk that would use his minor action every round as an extra attack, I think the easy and awesome fix would be to give the monk multiple abilities that let it do neat stuff as a minor. A at-will utility power that adds 1 to movement for the round as a minor. Another...
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    My vision for the Barbarian.

    Is there any way to make a brute-like character that is actually a controller? I think a barbarian that managed this would be awesome-sauce.
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    Smart DM, Stupid Monsters (possible KotS spoilers)

    A general rule of thumb I have been following for 4e is this - use the creature's ability to the fullest extend you can imagine. Kobolds get lots of shifting abilities. (Sometimes it's only 1, but that's usually 1 more than other monsters and/or PCs) Thus, reguardless of how dumb you may...
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    First Aid during combat

    2nd. Hit points are the most abstract they have ever been. Using Heal duirng combat should be treated with the same level of abstraction.
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    Simple Question: Can I Display 4e-like Material on my Personal Website?

    Ok, that probably explains why I was confused after trying to read that. Thanks for the clarification, catsclaw!
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    Simple Question: Can I Display 4e-like Material on my Personal Website?

    After seeing the GSL, I feel inclined to have clarification on something. If i where to create a 4e magic item, class, monster, add-on or whatever and put the items on my personal website, am I doing anything legally wrong? I am not selling access to my website or access to see this material...
  16. D

    Does teleportation negate falling damage?

    Ever play Portal? :) I'm not sure if there is precedent somewhere, but I'd assume that he would still have momentum from the fall. Thus, if he teleported 5 squares down after falling 5 squares I'd say he takes 5 squares of damage. I don't know if you want to open this can of worms, but he...
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    KotS Session Report (Spoilers)

    To reinforce the idea of spontanious skill challenges: When I ran KotS the players went into the tavern first thing (they haven't explored the town at all, and they've already been to the kobold cave :( ). Then one of the player's asked if there was a stage in the tavern. After he started...
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    Why do potions heal a static number?

    The short answer is it was done to help simply the system to a point that things are predictable. 4e loves that, and it had to shave off a lot of corners when you compare it to 3rd Edition. If you have your healing potions random, depending on the range, they will become sub-par to healing...
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    Minis for 4e Dragonborn?

    I'm having trouble finding metal (or non-painted plastic) miniatures to represent the dragonborn. I have to be looking in the wrong places, because the concept of a humanoid-like dragon isn't new. A quick search on Google brings me these two models...