• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. DM_

    WotC's 2017 Convention Schedule Includes New Hascon, No GenCon

    As a native of the Ocean State I am very excited for this personally. Hoping one day the symbols of Hasbro around the state will include more WOTC, maybe get a Tiamat statue rather than just the potato heads.
  2. DM_

    A Bunch More Magic Items

    On page 95 you have the Jester's Cap, do you have a write up of the spells which accompany it?
  3. DM_

    D&D 5E Scariest Monster Ever

    He still won't tell us. My curiosity has been engaged with it for years just never enough to follow through.
  4. DM_

    D&D 5E Warlocks and there patrons

    Funny thing is this just makes me want to make random tables for the nature of the pact, specific Patrons, services, level of servitude, alignment of goals and price. Then when I eventually run into such a player I could let them roll for their role. Such would be very useful for new players who...
  5. DM_

    D&D 5E DM Prepared one page of notes.

    Oh very nice! Do you have any recommendations on good ways to involve logic puzzles into the game? What was your favorite puzzle and how did the players solve it? To keep this on topic, do you remember what notes if any you had for it?
  6. DM_

    Coming Soon: Court of the Goblin King

    Agreed this sounds fascinating.
  7. DM_

    D&D 5E DM Prepared one page of notes.

    I'm beginning to be able to pull off this style, I find the difference in prep works out amazingly for my table. Far more direct interaction with simple notes.
  8. DM_

    D&D 5E Scariest Monster Ever

    My childhood DM had this NPC he liked to use on everyone in every campaign for some years. Always as a random wilderness encounter, "You come across a smiling kobold who appears VERY friendly." He asks (in high pitched skeksis voice) "Will you be my friend?" repeatedly. The disturbing manner in...
  9. DM_

    D&D 5E Gem of Your Collection

    My gem is definitely my copy of the Dragon Mountain boxed set. I just love the maps and handouts.
  10. DM_

    D&D 5E What I'd Like to See Included in 5e Settings

    When the Forgotten Realms setting is released I would (in addition to the wonderful list above) love to see a section detailing play set in various eras of history. A guide full of suggestions, plot-hooks, elven high magic and mythalars.
  11. DM_

    D&D 5E Good Smoke Rules?

    Additionally taking the prone position should mitigate the effects of the smoke and allow the characters to catch their breath if the cause of the smoke is fire.
  12. DM_

    D&D 5E Removing alignments

    I've always enjoyed using the MBTI for fleshing out important NPCs but then it has been kind of a pain to do on the fly. Your post however has me contemplating an elemental energy based alignment system. "You sense an aura of necrotic fire" "The mirror allows you to see the truth of your soul...
  13. DM_

    D&D 5E Monster Manual 2 or Player's Handbook 2?

    I would very much like to see setting specific books. Though I would certainly like to see the occasional new class, such as the Artificer for an Eberron book or Psionicists for Darksun. I would get much more milage out of these than a new setting neutral PHB2. Though I can always use more...
  14. DM_

    D&D 5E I Don't Have the 5E DMG

    Also waiting a more opportune moment to make the purchase. Every excerpt seen has exponentially increased my desire for it. Though I know I will have it in time, the not having is a brutal void.
  15. DM_

    Reviewing Chris Perkins

    Chris Perkins for me is THE DM. Watching the AI games I am always thoroughly entertained and I would sell my first born to Asmodeus for a spot at his table. I feel as though watching his style has helped me out in my home game quite a bit, especially in rolling with the punches as it were. As...
  16. DM_

    D&D 5E How do Spell Points Work

    http://www.enworld.org/forum/content.php?2060-Your-DMG-Questions-Answered!#.VHX_vp83dCU You should totally post what you come up with for reskinning an arcane class as a psion! Hope the link helps.
  17. DM_

    D&D 5E DMG excerpt: Carousing!

    "Strongholds: examples of people assuming construction workers will work infinite hours for finite funds." or "Strongholds: interpretations may vary."
  18. DM_

    D&D 5E DMG excerpt: Carousing!

    Loving the carousing table. Can't wait for my players to spend their downtime living like rockstars. With every one of these excerpts that arises, my desire to have a copy of the DMG doubles.
  19. DM_

    D&D 5E My MMII Wishlist

    Thank you! Completely missed that in my first few readings.
  20. DM_

    D&D 5E My MMII Wishlist

    I want the Ogremage back damn it!