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  1. S

    RPG Crate Spotlight: December 2016 Mythoard Unboxing

    I'm not sure if they'd include another digital copy of the FG&G rulebook in #26 considering it was in #24 i believe (based on the folder number I keep the digitals in). I'd say the content, based on the last 10 or so boxes, has been 50% OSR, 20% Pathfinder or similar, and 20% misc other stuff...
  2. S

    Here Comes The STRAHD DM SCREEN

    I don't know the construction quality of the GF9 DM screens, but I've not been impressed with any of the 5e screens I've seen so far as far as content goes. The official 5e DM screen is very nicely constructed but has very little of what I'd want on a DM screen, which is quick lookup tables...
  3. S

    RPG Sales From a Game Store's Perspective

    Would have loved to see their numbers for RPG products vs non RPG products. But I'd imagine it matches, fairly closely, with the continent wide (US/Canada) trend that RPG products only make up between 6-10% of overall tabletop gaming sales. Unless of course, they're a pure RPG store (not many...