• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. K

    D&D 5E What to do with players that always roll well

    I'd use the indirect method. A couple weeks ago, I sat down at a an AL table with a DM I never played with before. I suspected very early that he was fudging his roles behind his screen. The reasons for my suspicions are unimportant - maybe I was right and maybe I was wrong. But after a 7th...
  2. K

    D&D 5E How fun are warlocks?

    Some good responses here. My $.02 is this: if you are into roleplaying your character, Warlocks can be very good. In a town or in a campaign setting, they can use a lot of their unique invocations to have a lot of fun and be critically useful to the party. They are the class I use when I need an...
  3. K

    D&D 5E Dual hand crossbows, poison and hex warlock

    Pretty disengenious, Celt...I'm not getting drawn into this dead debate. Run your table the way you want. Interpret it the way you want. I'll do the same. FWIW, I ran a low level (up to 6) dual hand crossbow character and was...underwhelmed. So it's not an overpower thing. As for Crawford, he...
  4. K

    D&D 5E Dual hand crossbows, poison and hex warlock

    Are we really having this debate AGAIN? It's pretty settled, I think, that RAW let's you load the hand crossbows how you like but that some tables - for whatever reason - can't fathom the idea and therefore don't allow it. There are dozens of debates on this issue and very little if anything to...
  5. K

    D&D 5E What should a Sorcerer do?

    I disagree. I think that Sorcs are the ultimate nukers and break-in-case-of-emergencies. They are the ones that hold their twinned/empowered fireball until the BBEG or employ wild magic when things go pear shaped. I do wish wild magic were skewed to be 90% very positive and 10% very bad because...
  6. K

    D&D 5E Dual hand crossbows, poison and hex warlock

    LOL...what do we have here? A discussion about whether it takes one or two hands to load a hand crossbow? How novel! To the OP, the Imp thing is very sketchy. Personally, I wouldn't allow it as a DM and I'd be against it as a PC. It reeks a bit of too much metagaming or whatever people call...
  7. K

    D&D 5E Spells KNOWN at 3rd/4th Level

    Had a bunch of adds and drops of players in the Adventurer League I'm in (as a PC, not a GM) so just before being "locked in" to my character at level 4, I'm switching my monk to a Wiz for more arcane support. The PHB seems to talk about number of spells known at 1st level (6) but since you can...
  8. K

    D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

    No hurry just curious when you might put up 1.41. Thanks.
  9. K

    D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

    I would just open a PayPal account. I know I would donate a few bucks. You give better customer service than most companies!
  10. K

    D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

    Where can we donate PayPal money toward your efforts?
  11. SC Tab.jpg

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  12. Freat.jpg


  13. K

    D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

    First off, really awesome job! Second, perhaps this is my misunderstanding of the sheet or the rules but my Monk Human (variant) with Magic Initiate is not opening the spellcasting tab. It says there are "0 number of 3" of cantrips known (I think it should be 2, btw) on one level of Monk but...
  14. K

    D&D 5E Funny Solo Boss Creature for 1st Level?

    Dread Pirate Roberts. If you want more of a creature, there's of course the ROUS. But if you think the Princess Bride is too cheesie, then how about wood golem named the Poop Deck? Take a wood golem and customize it to your needs. Wait, was that supposed to be LESS cheesie?
  15. K

    D&D 5E Minor Illusion question

    Why wouldn't your illusion include a shadow? Yes, it all has to fit in the box but within that constraint, if you made a little statue, I would assume you would make the shadow, too. So you'd have to investigate and maybe then you notice the shadow doesn't move when the light source does...
  16. K

    D&D 5E Rules a character "pass a Weapon" to another

    Just an aside...this makes sense and I would definitely do a DC against Dex for both characters (throwing and catching) at an appropriate difficulty level (distance, mayhem, etc). I would allow a "free" toss and attack is if one of them used an inspiration token (which, I guess, makes it not...