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  1. D

    News Digest: Critical Role and Tabletop Going Premium Access? Pathfinder New Releases and Player Inc

    I just hope we don't look back one day and see this as the beginning of the end of Critical Role. The fancier it gets, the more corporate fingers get entangled, the sooner it will be that they call it quits I fear... I hope I'm wrong, because I really like the show.
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    D&D 5E 30 Minutes before a game session, what prep rituals help you DM/play your best games?

    ...and then trying to figure out how I'm going to alter this, the second half of a two part session, for characters that weren't there for part 1...
  3. D

    My group needs a system!

    Basic Fantasy RPG I would also recommend Basic Fantasy RPG. It is free, well supported, and has many extra supplements if you ever want to expand beyond the straightforward and simple rules. I've ran games for total novices as well as hardened grognards, and it's been well received!