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Search results

  1. BlackTiger

    Changing Breeds and NWOD/OWOD Hybridization

    I understand this is an old sidelined topic, but I am looking for some advice beyond the very surface-level discussion that seems to have filled lots of boards over the years. This might be a little esoteric if you haven't played Werewolf: The Apocalypse before. I'm experienced, heavily, in...
  2. BlackTiger

    Dark Sun Style Themes for Eberron?

    This came up while I was talking to some people at the Dark Sun game day yesterday (21st) and I realized it was something I'd really like to use if I ran a 4E Eberron game. The trouble I suppose is that the themes are rather extensive - I've only just began looking into them, but it's...
  3. BlackTiger

    The monster 'crit' problem

    Regarding that 3-20 crits junk in 3E - You're speaking from Sword and Fist there, which had plenty of other problems, mostly fixed in 3.5 when those things stopped stacking.
  4. BlackTiger

    Dark Sun DnD Game Day Adventure Review

    I came in ready to run and ended up playing. My experience may be different - We ran a 4-man table with Ardent, Fighter, Seeker, Warlock... And had very little trouble compared to my past 4E experiences. Down the line... The Skill Challenge was boring, I didn't look at the write-up but...
  5. BlackTiger

    Debating Systems For Dramatic Werecreatures Game...

    Some of the interesting fate variations - Like, Campaign-wide aspects - Really appeal top me in designing that kind of game as well. When I run a big D&D game, I want to use Pre-gens because I can give the player characters enough background that they have big concepts to lock into in the...
  6. BlackTiger

    D&D 4E Hints on Sandboxing with 4e?

    You could always create artificial danger when they encounter something that's above their level... or seek out ways to make the monsters seem dangerous - Fluff can play a heavy part here, as can rumor and background information. Or if it comes down to it, letting people make the knowledge...
  7. BlackTiger

    Debating Systems For Dramatic Werecreatures Game...

    Sensible points. It's easy to build a shifter with Changing Breeds / War Against the Pure that only has human/hybrid/animal forms, Without the WOD intermediates. One other reason I like Fate more is that I can be much more specific in compels to help create more character-driven drama. Not...
  8. BlackTiger

    Debating Systems For Dramatic Werecreatures Game...

    I'm a long time Werewolf Apocalypse/Forsaken player, but also a fan of urban fantasy, and specifically non-supernatural-romance werewolf novels as a genre. I play tons of other crap too. JAne Lindskold's Firekeeper novels do the pack dynamics well even if it's fantasy and mostly humans, and...
  9. BlackTiger

    Collected Encounter Design Tips

    Two things - Two things I keep reminding myself in any game, especially true in 4th - Unless you are dealing with a massive hoard, try to individualize monsters. Even if on the table you have numbers to track them, a single simple feature makes a huge difference... Especially when you really...
  10. BlackTiger

    A Frostburn Campaign - Dreams of Ice and Madness (Fishing for Comments)

    Hey EN World. Been awhile :P My players (Hey Eric!) Know the drill. Spoiler Alert. - I'm looking for specific encounter ideas, feedback or criticism on my campaign design theory, and anything else you all feel like contributing. - A friend of mine awhile back created an epic character...
  11. BlackTiger

    Gamespy interview

    My hope on paying for digital minis is that it'll be an unnecessary, premium aspect. After all, we are hoping to at least get basic minis and counters for all the core monsters, and we have a nearly limitless collection of PC miniatures in the character visualizer. That's already a hell of a lot...
  12. BlackTiger

    Stealth in Combat

    One minor point - Is giving the Rogue those damage dice for sneak attack often a problem? Look at the other striker, the Ranger. Compare them to a Rogue, and you'll see that they don't *need* combat advantage to dish out crazy damage. be the closest guy to your enemy, and you have an at-will...