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  1. G

    Fai Chen recon

    I always wondered... back in season 2, an adventure existed involving sea elves. (It was a while ago..i forgot the name) Spoiler below. You had a downtime activity where you could spend X amount of downtime days digging in a ruins for treasure then you made a die roll and added up the amount...
  2. G

    April Rules FAQ: Great Weapon Fighting, Pact of the Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Booming Blade, Moonbea

    I still don't get it; Does Shillelagh + Booming Blade + Warcaster still work? How about Booming Blade + Warcaster? I kind of like how GWF+Extra damage from stuff like Smite no longer works, it was a bit too much even if RAW
  3. G

    When and how do you tell a DM he is possibly in error?

    I will just say, as a rules lawyer DM, I do not believe I am always right, but I try to be. However, I always tells players if they feel i'm making a mistake, to bust out the book and show me; This way I don't repeat it again and know for the future, be it in a player or a DM capacity. Now at...
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    April AL Releases

    Where is Orsnou on the map of Barovia that comes with the Strahd Hardcover? Or at the very least where is it supposed to show up?
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    A couple of unanswered questions about Season 4

    Sorry to bump the post. Just wondering if any of the stuff in the initial post was still in the works, to be released, etc?
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    I'm almost afraid to ask...

    I really like the idea you have going for your character and I think it fits the themes of CoS quite well. If you attach your doll to a musical instrument I think you're pretty much good to go, just pay attention to the V,S,M requirements of spells. As another poster put you could simply have...
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    D&D 5E Surface coins and that obelisk in Whorlstone Tunnels (OotA)

    Forgive me if I'm wrong but I always felt the obelisks were part of some greater evil that's to be revisited in a later adventure. They are featured in just about every adventure though I haven't noticed them in CoS. At some point and I forget where, Perkins mentioned he had seeds planted in...
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    firm rulings

    I know some time back the rules were tweaked a bit on wild shape and summoning spells. I was curious if you can still use the Polymorph spell to turn an ally into a T-Rex? Or is Giant Ape (Still very good) where the buck stops?
  9. G

    Pact Cantrips in Ravenloft

    To OP: From Level 1 to 10 I ended up with Variant Human, Pact of the Undying; Warcaster, +2 Cha (4), +2 Cha (8) Invocations: Agonizing Blast (2), Book of Ancient Secrets(3), Repelling Blast (2, swapped at 3 then back at 5 ), Sculptor of Flesh (7), One With Shadows (9) Cantrips, in order I get...
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    D&D 5E Warcaster and Eldritch Blast

    So I have a Wand of the Warmage, which is neither a club nor a quarterstaff (in this case it's a Arcane Focus Orb) so Shillelagh does not work with it. I don't think I can pocket it during an AoO to bust out a Quarterstaf so by RAW does that mean I'm SooL? I don't think by RAW I can: Fire...
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    D&D 5E Warcaster and Eldritch Blast

    When I have the feat Warcaster and the Cantrip Eldritch Blast on my Warlock, what happens when: An enemy in the adjacent five foot square moves away and provokes an opportunity attack? Can I attack them with Eldrtich Blast? If so am I doing it at disadvantage because they are close by? If I...
  12. G

    A couple of unanswered questions about Season 4

    Yeah I have a Goliath Fighter with this background that mined with dwarves for his simple cut of pay. His background was a bit of a blend with the Goliath Fighter pregen from the same season, his tribe being killed by giants and him out on his own. I feel the Earthspur Miner really provides...
  13. G

    Pact Cantrips in Ravenloft

    At level 3 I'm taking: Chill Touch, Eldritch Blast, Spare the Dying, Guidance, Shocking Grasp, Vicious Mockery I started with Chill Touch and Eldritch Blast (Chill Touch is good for this campaign) Spare the Dying comes from the Undying Patron in SCAG. Guidance: This is just too good to pass...
  14. G

    A couple of unanswered questions about Season 4

    He has a population of 3000, but it does not specify if that includes the Vistani, certain were-critters, and the big batch of crazy people holed up in a certain someplace somewhere. Or his fellow vampire spawn. Is it just Barovians? Either way, his fiefdom is rather tiny, but seems...
  15. G

    What sort of character will you build for Curse of Strahd?

    So I made a Rashemi Witch (A Durthan, no less) who was driven out of Rashemen and migrated to the Moonsea. She's a Warlock with the Undying patron (Originally worshipping Thethor Spirits, but that may change.), Hex, Protection for Evil and Good and going for the Tome + Book of Ancient Secrets...
  16. G

    A couple of unanswered questions about Season 4

    Hey, sorry if I could not find this elsewhere but I tried my best. I had a couple of questions about this season. 1.) Are we going to have pre-generated characters from the AL like the previous seasons? I liked them, I felt they had cool tie-ins to the DDEX adventures. 2.) The same question as...