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  1. S

    Pathfinder 1E So what do you think is wrong with Pathfinder? Post your problems and we will fix it.

    I mean, the complexity is why I like it. I love the complicated feat chains and weird hyper specific rules. If I wanted rules lite gameplay, I'd use Fate Core (and I do, from time to time: shockingly, 3rd edition D&D derivatives like 5e and Pathfinder aren't the only TTRPGs in existance). 5e is...
  2. S

    D&D 5E Charisma- Good ability ... or OMNIVOROUS DESTROYER OF D&D?

    What's your problem with Paladins besides "lol fucc paladins I saw this in a maymay once"
  3. S

    D&D 5E What Houserules Do You Use?

    The ones where I take a shot everytime I remember that WotC refuses to officially support any campaign setting other than Faerun for 5e.