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Search results

  1. Dr Midnight

    Dreaming All The Time

    Chapter 7 The Star Fiends Of Xyrechnia The next day at 3:32, Lily stood facing a vast window that looked out on the Teardrop Nebula. Ships of every size and shape slowly crisscrossed her field of view. "That is sooo cool." Murray nudged her. "Don't stare too long, you'll mark us for tourists...
  2. Dr Midnight

    Dreaming All The Time

    Oh man, haha, I actually thought to myself "I wonder if Richards is still around." Glad to know you still are! Ahhh, you're the first person to pop in, and I have this mess spread across multiple sites. It's weird how I need feedback to breathe in a writing environment. Most of the writing...
  3. Dr Midnight

    Dreaming All The Time

    Chapter 5 Against The Dread Sea-God A fireball burst off of Ar'N'Aeth's thick outer shell, scarcely singing the lumbering crab monster. "Aim between the armor plates!" Lily screamed as she hacked at one of its ten immense seven-jointed arms. Murray screamed back "I'm trying!" The final room...
  4. Dr Midnight

    Dreaming All The Time

    Chapter 4 Flying With Grandpa "Are you ready?" Lily bit her lip. She was bouncing up and down on her heels, and hiding her excitement would have done her no good. "I think so. How does this work?" They stood outside on Murray's lawn. Here, the comfortably-sized mansion's trimmed grass sloped...
  5. Dr Midnight

    Dreaming All The Time

    Chapter 3 It's Been Forever Three years later, Murray was lounging in a comfortable chair modeled after one he'd owned in the real world. He'd grown skilled at replicating familiar things from his past. They gave him comfort when he wasn't adventuring, which was more and more often these days...
  6. Dr Midnight

    Dreaming All The Time

    Chapter 2 Christmas On Cape Cod Two and a half years later, Murray was sitting at a poker table in Monaco. The stakes were high and climbing. A sinister man with a diamond for a glass eye was stroking the fur of the pet hyena beside his chair. A crowd had formed around the table and watched as...
  7. Dr Midnight

    Dreaming All The Time

    Hiya- I haven't been around in a while, but I was once a regular. I wrote up THE KNIGHTS OF THE SILVER QUILL and THE KNIGHTS OF SPELLFORGE KEEP campaigns here and they did very well. This was back in... 2001-ish. In the end, I wrote over 250,000 words for those stories. Now I'm writing a book...
  8. Dr Midnight

    Story hour publishing and copyright issues

    It's not about being told what I want to hear, it's about wanting reliable information. If you're telling me something I consider unreliable and when asked for a source respond "hey, you don't want our help, hit the bricks. You can find this info as easily as we can," I can't use that. Also, I...
  9. Dr Midnight

    Story hour publishing and copyright issues

    Hey, for all I know Umbran is just someone who made all that up because he enjoys being contrary.
  10. Dr Midnight

    Story hour publishing and copyright issues

    Can you maybe cite a source or two on this?
  11. Dr Midnight

    Story hour publishing and copyright issues

    That's not the plot, though, that's the... I dunno what the term is for that, but plot isn't just a vague blurb sentence. A plot is the ordered collection of events relevant to a story, and that's what I'm pretty sure you can't duplicate with just name and dialogue changes.
  12. Dr Midnight

    Story hour publishing and copyright issues

    These are the same people who will tell you that "there are only two types of people in the world." They oversimplify and they must be stopped. Yeah, but you can't write (fill in plot of Star Wars here, change the names and dialogue) and expect to skate. I'm no legal guy but I'll betcha that...
  13. Dr Midnight

    Story hour publishing and copyright issues

    IIIIII'm pretty sure taking the plot of a story and putting it out with only names changed is still actionable.
  14. Dr Midnight

    Story hour publishing and copyright issues

    And THEN, on the other hand, I have that people are liking my writing and I'm putting together a volume of short stories because why not. Having five novels' worth of material in the can, ready to go but for some intense Find & Replace action, is a tempting prospect and a quick way to fattening...
  15. Dr Midnight

    Story hour publishing and copyright issues

    That was what I was looking at initially, but if I'm now going through and performing a find / replace for everything referencing Greyhawk, pantheons, specific spells, modules, etc... I might as well just give up now, as I'm pretty sure this is going to be prohibitively time-consuming. Then...
  16. Dr Midnight

    Story hour publishing and copyright issues

    Unscrupulous sorts forcing people / companies into pre-emptive defensive positions ruin everything for everyone.
  17. Dr Midnight

    Story hour publishing and copyright issues

    Yeah, the human quality of hope in the face of implausible success is a terrible thing. You raise a fine point. Gonna go look over their submission guidelines. Thanks mister.
  18. Dr Midnight

    Story hour publishing and copyright issues

    Anyone else? Anything? I mean, we know there's some small wiggle room on words and names, otherwise D&D wouldn't exist at all, because, y'know... Tolkien.
  19. Dr Midnight

    Story hour publishing and copyright issues

    I was hoping (and kinda still am) that there's some sort of loophole, like parody law is for other things, or that Wizards tends to give a pass to people publishing stories using established terms. I really hope I don't have to find / replace tons of copyrighted terms. ...Because I don't think I...
  20. Dr Midnight

    Story hour publishing and copyright issues

    We're definitely talking about using specific names and places, and text of copyrighted material.