Search results

  1. Nthal

    Prefix question for Story Hour forum

    I'm not sure if I am missing a setting or something, but I realized that I didn't have any prefixes for a number of threads in the Story Hour Forum. However, when I decided to edit them, all I can see are Pathfinder 1e, 2e, Startfinder, review and (no prefix). Is there a way to make other...
  2. Nthal

    Session Stories - Moments in Roleplaying (updated 6/15/2023)

    Short stories from adventurers Last Updated 8/21/2023 So when I posted this, I meant it as a series of shorts on my then current character in play, Arnara. But the campaigns ended, and things moved on. But as it turned out over the course of a number of years, I produced other shorts of...
  3. Nthal

    The Thorns of Winter -(updated 8/1/2023)

    The Thorns of Winter (Based on a homebrew campaign in Eberron) (This is updated weeklyish. Last post August 21st , 2023) Story by Nthal Additional Material by: Ryan aka 'The Blade' Graysire aka 'Sage Redoubt' Jess aka 'Adrissa' Introduction – Even Harsher Landings - October 14th, 2020...
  4. Nthal

    More precise page view stats

    I like the fact that there are now pageview stats on the forums, similar to the app. However, it rounds to the nearest K. Is there a way to get the precise page view count on a specific thread?
  5. Nthal

    Journal of the Souls of Legend (completed)

    Journal of the Souls of Legend (Based on a homebrew campaign in the Forgotten Realms) (This campaign is finished) Story by Nthal Introduction - Harsh Landings It always seems that the interesting stories, start with the unexpected. It’s like nothing is ever planned or is part of the hero’s...