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  1. M

    Sexism related poll

    Back when I was in Middle School my groups consisted of all boys. My more recent groups have been fifty/fifty. Gender is not an issue for us at all, and the idea that D&D is a "man's game" is met with scorn. We have come to the consensus that it is far easier for someone to roleplay a human of...
  2. M

    Looking for a creative Slaadi encounter idea.

    Well, unlike with normal monsters, you won't have to worry about a reason the Slaad do anything they do. You can have the Slaad pelt the characters with several varieties of cheese if you want.
  3. M

    What do you do with difficult players?

    All of the people I game with are in the "close friends" category, and I do a lot with them outside the game, so I never really have a problem with them. If there is a problem, like there is minor squabbling between the brother and sister pair, I'll just talk to them about it.
  4. M

    Forked Thread: Viking Hat vs Social Relationship

    I wouldn't care if someone has a gigantic book filled with every fact about the Forgotten Realms ever, I'd still not play with a bigot. I would miss his book, though.
  5. M

    Forked Thread: Viking Hat vs Social Relationship

    I keep typing things like that too, only to remember at the last minute this forum doesn't allow politics.
  6. M

    Shemeska's Planescape Storyhour (Updated 29 Jan 2014)

    You might want to have referred that you were talking to me for that second sentence there, *insert your real name here*. And when I said my gaming group, I mean Buckley and Nelson and LeRoy-elder. You and LeRoy-younger roleplay. Kemple is what we refer to as a watcher. And of course I've...
  7. M

    Female gamers: Weal or woe?

    Oh please, we aren't being that sensitive. So, anyway, you intended for your original post to be controversial, and now you are suprised when we called you on it? Yeah, that doesn't make sense.
  8. M

    Female gamers: Weal or woe?

    So why is your original post posed in such a way that you make it sound like it is the fault of female players that your male players have social interaction issues?
  9. M

    D&D 4E Just played my first 4E game

    What? Why is it every time someone expresses their dislike of 4e, it's automatically assumed they had pre-conceived negative assumptions. What is it about 4e that makes it so that we can't dislike it in peace?
  10. M

    Forked Thread: Changeover poll

    Incorrect. 2e was basically dead when 3e was announced. 3.5e was still alive when 4e was announced.
  11. M

    Pirates vs. Ninjas

    Pirates. Pirates have gunpowder weaponry. However, if we are talking D&D, ninjas, because they can go ethereal and incorporeal and all that jazz.
  12. M

    Least Favorite (Core) D&D Race

    I don't like half-orcs. I don't know why, I've just never played one. The fact that orcs can mate (or, as is the case with most half-orcs unfortunately, rape) with humans, and aren't genetically close to them like elves or are naturally magically fertile like dragons or outsiders. Yes, I know...
  13. M

    Female gamers: Weal or woe?

    So, why exactly is this question posed towards the female gamers? It is the fault of your players if they don't know that the proper way to treat a female player is just to ignore the whole double X chromosome thing and treat them like what they are....a person. Women are in fact people...
  14. M

    Shemeska's Planescape Storyhour (Updated 29 Jan 2014)

    Wow... Very well done. I applaud your DMing and writing skills. I wish I had such excellent roleplayers as a group. If presented with a plot as rich such as this one, they'd draw blanks. "So...how much XP is a baernaloth?" would be the general reaction...:hmm: I love how in those dramatic...
  15. M

    "Shinies!" "Didn't we ban kender?"

    As a DM, the only thing I ever recall banning is Evil characters, especially if they are in a party with good characters. While some interparty drama is good for the roleplaying experience, some is too much. They make the other players want to punish them, and they are to hard to make adventure...
  16. M

    So THAT's why Regdar gets no love...

    Really, you think so? Really, the most they'd do is ignore her like some people ignore Regdar and look at the other iconics. The vast majority wouldn't go "Oh, my God! This black chick appears with some frequency! I won't be playing this game anymore." Normal people don't think like that. No...
  17. M

    So THAT's why Regdar gets no love...

    This isn't a vanity article on Cook's part. He wouldn't need one, people worship him anyway. What this is, however, is Cook explaining that the marketing team forced the creative team to make the lead iconic a white male human, because they have this stupid idea that white males will be...
  18. M

    Underused Monsters

    How on earth is this anything like a troll thread? Troll threads are designed to upset people and get a rise out of them, not have them calmly discuss what their favorite underused monsters are. Unless one has an undying hate of shocker lizards I don't see how that would happen.
  19. M

    Alrune Homebrew Campaign Setting: Brainstorm

    Kinda jumping around here.... Elves. For some reason, I really want to base the various subraces off of gemstones. I can see them being worshipped as lesser gods by many humans. Despite the fact that their empires are thousands of years older, humans came first. The Eladrin, hedonistic as they...
  20. M

    Alrune Homebrew Campaign Setting: Brainstorm

    If you have any ideas about these races or any planes I should consider adding, go ahead and tell me. You'll get credited when I write up the whole thing later.