• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. MommaDM

    Guns in a fantasy setting

    See also early gunpowder use in China.
  2. MommaDM

    First 4E game

    Personally, having the Dragonborn fling his axe 8 feet and sticking it into a wall was my favorite. (he crit failed a few times)
  3. MommaDM

    Points of Light Killed the Campaign Setting...

    I think the PoL setting can actually leave you more open to expanding out into a more complex or full world as time passes in the campaign. Just because the bit of world you start in is uncivilized and xenophobic doesn't mean they couldn't over a level or 5 end up in a more civilized place...
  4. MommaDM

    DMing Gender?

    In all honesty I'm seriously Dming for the first time with 4e. (And don't feel bad I'm a n00b too. Although my husband has been feeding me the more interesting or amusing bits from here for ages) I can RP the opposite sex well enough for short periods, but after a while I tend to have trouble...