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  1. D

    DM'ing questions

    1. What tier are these encounters? My group quite handily got through 3-4 at heroic tier, but now that we're at high paragon tier we're lucky to get two, and usually get one. (Big group too, 8+ people, that slows it down a lot). If your group is smaller it might be faster, but if they're new...
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    AV2 Rogue Stuff ?

    There's a cloak that allows you to roll your stealth checks twice and take the higher of the two results as a passive property. I'd say that's really the standout item, if you like sneaking around.
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    Help for character build

    I just ran an Arena combat centered game (2v2 and 1v1 teams), and the runaway winners ended out being a Hybrid Avenger/Cleric and a Cleric. The Avenger/Cleric in particular was extremely difficult to take down. Accurate, strong, high defenses, and the ability to continue to fight long after...
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    Damage roll debuff (enlarge spell)

    Your allies are flammable for a reason! Light 'em up! Honestly, if the Defender at least isn't willing to take a hit when he properly clumps up some enemies, you need to find a new defender who isn't a silly wimp. I suggest a Dwarf, they're tough. ;) I'd be a little more wary about throwing...
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    Missile Weapons at Point Blank Range

    All I have experience with is foam weapons and arrows with tennis balls on them (in regards to melee). I can tell you for sure, run away! The sword man will turn you into paste. Even IF you hit him well enough to kill him (no misses, dodges, or glancing blows off the helmet), you might still...
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    Scaling adventures that will include a higher-level NPC

    If you're using him as a monster, I'd just scale him up as you go along. Choose a level 3 template (so his HP are high, but his damage is only moderately competitive) and just scale him up a level when the party levels until you want them to "catch up" as it were. Then throw in an extra...
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    Weapon for Goliath Barbarian

    Fullblade still has what I consider to be THE best weapon property pre-Vorpal though: "of Summer". Property 1d8 fire damage on hit? Hurrah!
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    Party optimization

    My game's party has been finding that a heavy blade opportunist fighter, a daggermaster rogue, and a Bravura Warlord = fun times with Brash Assault. There's quite a bit of decision making one can make regarding the state of your group that will influence what appears optimal at any given time...
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    Advice: Making a crossbow build work

    The reason Crossbow's damage expression is somewhat lower is that you can (as far as I am aware) use it with a Light Shield (Crossbow being one handed, and a Light Shield allows you to use the hand for other tasks like reloading). A very fun crossbow build for Paragon is Hospitaler Paladin...
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    Are you tired of conditions?

    I think it's important to realize that conditions take away one of the main reasons D&D is "fun" for players: Their ability to do whatever they want. It's an effect that limits the sandbox in which they play, so many players express frustration with this. It's important to take that...
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    Monster Manual 2 and Elite/Solo design

    I really like the new solo design, I ran a Young Adamantine Dragon against my group (who had recently faced down a Young Black Dragon a level ago) and the experience was very positive. Admittedly Black Dragons are grindy, but the group enjoyed the faster paced fight a lot more. It's prompted...
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    Shuriken question(s)

    Our group plays it that magical thrown weapons return "instantly" unless you want to look cool (with boomerang returns). So a blast would just be a series of really quick toss and return motions. It works for us, your group's mileage may vary. Admittedly, this is a bit of a houserule patch...
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    Populating a Dungeon

    I don't know if you have DDI, but the monster creation tool there is great for creating additional themed monsters. If not, the possibility exists of quickly re-skinning appropriate monsters. Names have been, of course, changed to protect the innocent. ;) Look for role, re-theme powers and...
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    Some questions about Sorcerers

    I don't know so much about #2 (I'd be inclined to say yes), but for all of the above: No, no, no, and no. When a weapon is an implement, it's not a weapon. (Sorta stupid, but that's how it works. It's acting as an implement and ceases to be a weapon, and loses the Weapon property for that...
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    PHB 2 power creep

    They do just that in the Penny Arcade podcasts (it seems to save time and is quite convenient for the DM to track as well...)
  16. D

    Need a little help

    As I understood it, class templates tend to make foes into elites? I don't have my books with me to verify that, but I'm fairly certain. With that comes an adjusted EXP cost for being elites, so what's happening is you're facing groups that outlevel you by an amazingly huge margin. You should...
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    Ammunition Woes

    Since my player loves to keep track of things, I've started allowing this one: For every arrow he fires, after combat he rolls 1dX (where X would be the number of arrows fired, we play on Maptool so you CAN roll odd sided dice...). He can manage to "recover" that many fired arrows in good...
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    Poll: Drow PC's

    In my FR campaign, during the death of Mystra (yay?) I also had Lolth basically run a nice nasty PR campaign against the twin-scimitar'd one and banish him to the outer reaches of the Elemental Chaos. ;) It gives a bit of time for the PCs to shine (and catch up a bit?), while still appealing to...
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    Run vs. Charge

    From the little experience we've had the reason to double run in combat is not to engage foes, but to distance yourself from them. The only people I've seen move long distances have been ranged classes trying to break away from the group so they can find a more advantageous location to attack...
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    KotS adjustment *spoiler*

    Regarding the TPK from the kobolds... why exactly are they acting like tactically sound soldiers? Kobolds are craven little buggers at best, and stupid as given (negative or 0 int and low Wisdom modifiers suggest to me that these guys aren't going to be highly practiced military units.) It...