• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. C

    Your Favorite Kind of Adventure

    I like adventures with moral dilemmas. Doing the "right thing" is far more fun to figure out when it is not black and white.
  2. C

    What is in the ultimate system?

    I have been working on a system of for a year or so now and first off, DAMN it is a lot of work. For me a good system has a few things: 1. ability for characters to develop themselves to be unique. 2. The balance of solid rules for combat that dont drag every fight out into hours of rule...
  3. C

    Suggestions for Playing a Paladin

    I have always liked to try to push out of the box of the norm for a character and try something a little different. The last paladin I played was a little over weight and struggled with alcohol. He was kind of a tortured soul who tried to do the right thing and stand up to evil but it wore on...
  4. C

    D&D 4E Is character death acceptable in 4e? If so, how often?

    I think the ammount of deaths is related to the type of campaign your running. I have had two major campaigns that I have run in the past few years. One has had relatively few deaths but has been more the parties epic adventure and their discoveries. The other campaign has been more a brutal...
  5. C

    Book of NPCs 2.0

    awesome resource. thanks for the work
  6. C

    1/2 hp and damage mod = monster level?

    We tried the 1/2 level for damage for players and it didnt work out very well. The striker classes got the worst of it and a lot of powers it created problems for. I may try 1/4 the HPs and monsters doing 1/2 level more in damage. The combat is too long right now.
  7. C

    Why do dragons do so little damage?

    What makes a dragon powerful is not its ability to stand toe to toe with an oppenent but its other vast abilities. Flying Breath weapon Other spells ton of hps The dragon hoovering 20 feet over the party raining death upon them is what makes the dragon powerful. As dragons get into the wyrm...
  8. C

    Advice on using GURPs to replace 4E?

    I have to say I am not a huge fan of Gurps. We used it for many years for fantasty, vampire, sci fi, army stuff etc etc adn I think the flaw in the system is it is too generic. I don't feel the flavor of guys cause they are all too similar and the combat rules are so extensive that you will...
  9. C

    10 months into the game

    Our gaming group has been together for almost 20 years now and we have played about 20 different systems in that I bet. the DnD 4.0 has some good and some bad to it but overall our group has enjoyed it. I think the positives: 1. Pretty clean rules 2. combat has some tactis but doesnt get...
  10. C

    D&D 4E How long are your 4e combats taking, real time?

    On the delaying it depends. If their delay is only for other players and not monsters, then they generally go back to their orginally slot. If it is more then that it kind of depends on where they are on the circle. Our group doesnt do a ton of delaying "generally one spot so the player next ot...
  11. C

    D&D 4E How long are your 4e combats taking, real time?

    We do a few things to try to speed up combat but I agree with the overall thought that they are too long right now. 1. Roll attack and damage at the same time. Some of our players refuse to do it but it saves time. 2. Know what youa re doing on your turn. The same playesr who dont roll dice at...
  12. C

    ammount of treasure per encounter

    I am looking for a guide for how much treasure and what level of loot are given for an encounter. I tend to be pretty tight with treasure so I wanted to see what the "norm" is.
  13. C

    Minion House Rules

    I had thought something like 3+ 1/2 level. If you have 5+ 1/2 level+ con modifer. Down the road minions are going to be ahrd to kill. 14th level ogere minion would have 5 +7 (1/2 leve)+3 for con mod= 15. All ofa sudden non striker classes are really going to struggle to kill a minion. Figure a...
  14. C

    Few ideas for rules.

    Thanks for the all the feedback. good and bad. A few random thoughts from reading the responses. Range being over powered? I dont think they are over pwoered as much as they have little tactical involvement on offense or on defense. This does add a little bit of complication to the rules...
  15. C

    Few ideas for rules.

    Overall I like the dnd system but would like to see a little more meat added to it for realism and seperation of classes so your guy feels more unique. Ideas 1. At level 2 and every level there after you get 1 skill point to put in any skill the DM approves that you have used during that...
  16. C

    DnD impression

    If I knew the arrows were cominga t my ears I would move. The point is I am up front fighting atroll and somehow know where the range behind me is shooting the troll and he knows which way I am going to duck and dodge at any given second as the troll jars me around. Our party has a paladin...
  17. C

    DnD impression

    First off No system is perfect, The players make the game. That being said, here is my impression after about six months of playing. The good. 1. Easy to play. We played GURPs for a many years and spent too much time trying to figure out the rules and in truth, I still dont understand...
  18. C

    New Cleave feat question

    The new cleave power lets you forgo the damage on the extra target and you get your con modifer in temp hps. My question is: do you have to have a creature that you could cleave to use this power? So if there is only one target in range, can u still use this power for the temp hps. If so it is...
  19. C

    Monsters with levels lower than PCs - useless?

    I have found in general that their formula for encounters is a little off. If the encounter should be about 1,000 exp for a standard encounter, the party blows through the encounter unless I do about 50% more so 1,500. I am pretty stingy with magic items and try to play monsters accurately...
  20. C

    Paladin multiclassing as a cleric

    My guy is a Paladin/cleric and the DM gave me a free focus in religion.