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  1. S

    Abot Druids and undead...

    This will NOT work the Regenerate Light Wounds, etc. spells have: "Target: Living Creature touched" so undead cannot be targetted with these spells anyways.
  2. S

    What 3e (& 3.5e) terms are you sick of?

    I am sick of 3.5. By the way, if it is the next version of 3e, shouldn't it be 3.1, anyways? I suggest 3e++ instead.
  3. S

    Creeping Cold Problem

    Extending Creeping Cold makes it way too powerful. In comparison, take a look at Greater Creeping Cold on page 89 of MotW. It is 7th level and would only do 6D6 damage maximum when cast by a 20th level caster.
  4. S

    Battle Mats

    A cheap mat I like is a Dry erase board. It has a wooden frame to bounce dice off of and a good sized one is only 7 to 8 dollars. If you need a grid, you can draw one on with permanent marker.
  5. S

    Funniest Thing you have heard at the gaming table

    One player is known for his bodily gas, which makes us play in a well ventilated room.. While playing his minotaur character, and using his scent abilty, he tried to find the path of a fugitive stating: "I continute to smell" At which point we all replied, "yes you do"
  6. S

    Best choices for a 9HD Polymorph Other

    The Faerun Dragonkin is a good choice. My cleric of Bahamut (Dragon God) miracled a polymorph other to make himself into a platinum scaled version for cosmetic reasons. However, the wings, natural armor, and other bonuses are a big plus!
  7. S

    Getting older and low Constitution?

    But they can be Reincarnated. The Reincarnate spell makes no mention of the "no raising the elderly" clause, and Masters of the Wild points out that druids can even restore life and youth to those who have died of old age. Reincarnate and a polymorph other will bring back the deceased; and he...
  8. S

    Help! Trouble at the gaming table

    I have been in a group with a similiar sitituation: as young players with a young DM we took a light hearted approach to the genre, and for most in the group it was a first or second time playing. The player who was a rogue stole the only copy of a map to some important place because he was...
  9. S

    [OT]Favorite Magic cards?

    Goblins of various professions: sappers, flotila sailors, swine-riders, fanatics, tinkers, mutants, ski patrols... not that it really matters iwhat the goblin type was if you had a goblin grenade!
  10. S

    What are the limits of Sculpt Spell (T&B)?

    more useful spells color spray, detect poison, faerie fire, fear, force cage, glyph of warding, invisibilty sphere, magic circle vs. evil etc, minor globe of invulnerability, power word blind, power word kill, repel vermin, sleep, silence, and sound burst All are from the player's handbook...
  11. S

    Taking a themed Wizard to the extreme

    how about... the feat Lightning Reflexes? :)
  12. S

    Phantasmic Killer

    If you were playing a character that had a readied action against an opposing spellcaster (in order to use Dispel Magic, for example), and made the DC19 Spellcraft check to know that the spell was Phatasmal Killer, would the character have to interact with the illusion to disbelieve it? I can't...
  13. S

    How to handle missing players?

    The Dm in a campaign I was in several years ago used to run the players for us, often staying quiet or just casting simple spells in the event the player could not play that week. Experience was given to the player if it was significant, but only about half what everyone else got. This method...
  14. S

    Bored of DM'ing :(

    When I DM and get bored with the storyline or if my players are getting frustrated with it, I try to change what I'm doing. Fun is the name of the game. Try expanding out of the module, and do something cool that you and your players will like. When your orc slaying loses the appeal it had...
  15. S

    Dragon racial enemies

    From the MM: Known varieties of Dragons fall into one of two catergories: chromatic and metallic. Chromatic are black, blue, green, red, and white; all evil and extremely fierce. Metallic dragons are brass, bronze, copper, gold, and silver; all good, and usually noble. (p 61) Present dragons...
  16. S

    How does your group divide up the treasure?

    In the campaigns I have been with, items and gold can be a problems. We usually designate one player to carry "party treasure", and all the loot is written down and handled on one piece of paper. When it comes time to divide the loot, we try to keep things fair. For example, if the fighter wants...