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  1. Hida Bukkorosu

    how to hit on girls without being creepy?

    advice please. how does one go about approaching girls, lets say, for example, on campus, without coming across as "creepy"?
  2. Hida Bukkorosu

    good career options for a slacker?

    what is a good career field to look into for someone who doesn't really care about promotion or advancement, who just wants to make enough money to cover rent, bills, food, and entertainment (gaming) -- but doesn't ever plan on raising a family or sending kids to college or saving for retirement...
  3. Hida Bukkorosu

    adamantine shields

    what's the cost modifier for an adamantine shield in 3.5? they have everything listed in the table but shields
  4. Hida Bukkorosu

    if you were suddenly pulled into the FR...

    ...which god would you worship? assume that your real world religion, if any, is not an option (you have no chance of establishing your real world deity's presence in faerun's cosmology in this scenario).
  5. Hida Bukkorosu

    design the perfect mate

    imagine, if you will, that you are given a magical computer system that you can use to design and create a fully functional human being of the opposite (or same, for those who swing that way) sex to be your ideal mate. what would that person be like?
  6. Hida Bukkorosu

    the portal opens, would you go through?

    ok here's what happens. a magical portal opens in your bedroom. a voice comes from the portal informing you that it is a portal to Faerun/Krynn/Oerth/Eberron/insertyourworldhere. you may take your significant other and children through with you, but no one else. you will be de-aged to 15...
  7. Hida Bukkorosu

    Gamers and "love-shyness"

    Could the condition of love-shyness be something perhaps that many of us gamers suffer from, particularily those of us who fall into the stereotypical "over 25 and still a virgin" crowd?
  8. Hida Bukkorosu

    Moral questions of a D&D world...

    I'm interested in people's thoughts on the morality of various implications of a world in which D&D style magic exists... For example, a socially inept (low CHA) yet highly intelligent guy turns to magic, specifically the "Charm Person" spell in order to help with his datelessness. Moral or...
  9. Hida Bukkorosu

    [3.0] Quicken Spell and Sorcerers

    OK, Sorcerers require a full round to cast a 1-action spell that's been metamagiced - but the Quicken spell feat reduces a spell to a free action - which of these effects takes priority, can i cast an Energy Substituted spell as a free action if I also Quicken it if I'm a sorcerer?
  10. Hida Bukkorosu

    when is Gencon 2004?

    when is Gencon 2k4 in Indy going to be so i can start planning for it.
  11. Hida Bukkorosu

    How to get started DMing

    what's a good way to get started on DMing? how long should one play before they try being a DM?
  12. Hida Bukkorosu

    Modernized Toril

    Has anyone ever thought about what a future Toril would look like after a couple thousand years of technological advancement? What would be the world superpowers? how would the races interact? How would magic and technology such as cars and televisions coexist?