Search results

  1. P

    Too many Armor Feats?

    Am I alone in the feeling that there are too many armor feats required in d20 Modern? Light, Medium, Heavy, and now d20 Future adds Powered to the mix, each a prerequisite to the rest. I do not recall anything in Heinlein's Starship Troopers that would indicate that the Moble Infantry learned...
  2. P

    Dr. Fu Manchu

    What level is Dr. Fu Manchu? (Warning: Some of this information may contain spoilers if you have not yet read the appropriate novels!) While I have not yet had the opportunity to read all of the novels about the insidious doctor, I have read several. Since I am planning to run a D20M pulp...
  3. P

    Menace Manual and Dark Matter

    With Urban Arcana and now the Menace Manual, is there any background/flavor left in the Dark Matter campaiogn sourcebook for Alternaty that have not been brought forward? It looks like I could get a copy of DM for $18, but I would be using it as a resource for d20 Modern. Basically, what I...
  4. P

    1st ed ranger conversion?

    Some time ago, I found a convesion of the 1st edition ranger to 3.0. Unfortunately, my hard drive crashed awhile ago and I lost the file. Is there any one who knows where this conversion was done, or who has a copy they could send me? Thanks
  5. P

    1st ed ranger?

    A while back I found a conversion of the 1st ed ranger to 3.0, but I don't remember where I found it. My hard drive died resently, I no longer have that conversion. Can anyone help me find it again? As I mentioned, this was a 1st ed ranger... magic user spells, druid spells, cohorts, and a...
  6. P

    How fast is a zeppelin?

    Last weekend, my son watched Hayao Miyazaki's "Castle In The Sky" several times. This has inspired me to think about a d20M Pulp Heroes campaign set in the South Pacific complete with aerial pirates and Imperial Japanese Navel Aero-Dreadnoughts. To that end, can anybody tell me the actual...
  7. P

    Wild west luxury travel?

    It was common for the wealthy to travel in a private rail car. I would like to find some information on such rail cars. How much do they cost? How wide are they? How high are they? How long can they be?
  8. P

    Kentucky gun laws?

    Does anybody know what the gun laws are in KY? I am planning to set an adventure there and want to use this as a potential stumbling block for the party. Right now, they have a D&D mentality: if it moves, kill it; we ARE the law, etc.
  9. P

    Ravenloft... scarab beetles???

    Several months ago, I saw a monster book for Ravenloft that had scarab beetles like the ones from the movie "The Mummy". I can't find it now, or even remember what the title is to look it up! Can anybody help me?
  10. P

    Where's "Faces of the Divine"?

    Once upon a time, EN World announced that Avalance Press was going to release a book caled Faces of the Divine. This book was to be available in March 2002. It was to be about the practicioners of various real world faiths, PrC's, festivals, dogma, all that sort of thing... usefull stuff, not...