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  1. X

    It's the March Movie Monster Mayhem Marathon Challenge!

    The Crusades were a defensive action against the Muslim invaders invading Europe at that time. If the European knights and royalty had not stopped the Muslims, history would be radically different. No, the Crusades were not organizaed well, but they served their purpose--stopping the Muslim...
  2. X

    Get on your roofs, the GRABOIDS are here!

    Thanks, Geocorona. Edited appropriately. Those are Shriekers, they use heat vision. There are also Arse-Blasters, flying thinghies in T3.
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    A DnDChick Blast from the Past!

    My players will soon be rockin' it OLD SCHOOL style, yo! I'm definitely going to have my party face one of these soon, it'll be fun to hand over a note that says the aforementioned. :D
  4. X

    Get on your roofs, the GRABOIDS are here!

    Graboid Huge Vermin HD: 6d8+12 (36 hp) Init: +6 (_2 Dex, +4 Improved Iniative) Spd: 30 ft AC: 16 (+6 Natural) Atks: 4 tentacle bites +6 Dmg: Tentacle bite 1d4, bite 2d6 Face/Reach: 10 ft x 30 ft/5 ft (tentacles) SA: Improved Grab, Swallow Whole SQ: Tremorsense, Burrow Saves: Fort + 7 Ref +4...
  5. X

    It's the March Movie Monster Mayhem Marathon Challenge!

    Yeah, and a nice big elephant gun, too! Yeah, put me down for Graboids.
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    It's the March Movie Monster Mayhem Marathon Challenge!

    Sweeeeeeeet. Oh, Hell YEAH!!! Thanks a billion, got my utility grade flamethrower fed and ready, sir! I might be up for Graboids from the Tremors movies (and soon to be TV series!). If I don't get my entry in soon, well I guess I'll have to suck it up.
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    Celestial Lords

    Lemme see... Lets see... Vigila, the Watchful Sentinel, LG Canith, Man's Eternal Companion, NG
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    How do I get better tactics from my players?

    I like these ideas. My thoughts: show them that a lower-level party with less magic can beat them like a drum. Now...what are these great tactics that these adventurers will use? Now that this guy has a solution, he could use some help with the execution.
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    dumbest game questions you never heard

    From my last session of D&D: "The Gnolls are looting the Yeth Hounds carcass. Barak (male dwarf fighter PC) and Sheva (NPC human female Cleric) are going into the cave. What do you do Jakob and Nary (male human wizard and male human bard PCs)?" Nary: I pull off one of it's feathers. DM...
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    Could you make a Christian-oriented RPG?

    *Sigh.* When Jesus Christ said "turn the other cheek" he was referring to matters of pride--i.e. not killing because of a single insult, etc. not being physically threatened with death or injury or ignoring a moral duty to stop same being visited on innocents. Most characters might still be...
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    What would survive?

    Interesting opinions here, folks... Sounds like Bartertown. [See: Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome] And lo, an Irishman rules half the known world!
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    Broken spells?

    I'm just wondering, could you give some examples here? Simple Fix: Make the duration 1 minute per level.
  13. X

    My 6-year old wants to play! Help :)

    Nice idea... I planned a campaign where the two characters were carnies left behind accidentally. They'd be hired by the city as "City Defenders" to handle special situations. A nearby magic-user would try out his experimental tattoos on them, that allow use of a 1st to 2nd level arcane or...
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    Introducing newb into high level campaign.

    My suggestion: Start her off at a slightly lower level. 8th to 12th, maybe. OR Teach her something about D&D before she starts in with the "big boys." Teach her a "style of gaming" appropriate to your type of game--if you like RP, encourage her to RP, if you're a combat monster, hack...
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    Explaining AD&D1 to new D&D3 players

    Boy! It sure was different... "There can't be more than three Rangers in one group? Why the hell not?" "Why can't I have more treasure than I can carry as a Ranger?" "Whenever I hit 9th level, I get followers and can build a castle? I get followers even if I'm an Int 6 Cha 7 knuckledragging...
  16. X

    Help Me Convice Someone D&D Isn't Evil

    WARNING! IRRATIONAL SCHOOL PERSONNEL ALERT! Instant evaluation of the principal in question: A hardass. Dictatorial, authoritarian, controlling, joy-snuffing, soul-destroying, gov't-loving....pseudo-person. As to this...HOW DO YOU FIND THE TIME?? First, buddy: use the Enter key. Second...
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    [Hasbro] Fined by UK Office of Fair Trading

    GAAH!! Price-fixing? You mean the company setting the price? And why is the British government muscling in on this? Oh, right the Wueen has to have her piece of the pie. Remove taxes and controls on the economy and individuals and you'll see prices drop through the floor. Bah! Socialism!
  18. X

    [OT] Which branch of the military should I go into?

    All the better that they laugh. You'll save money on clothing--no special orders for you! Sorry to hear of unrequited love. Blind she is yes... Think about this sentence hard. I'm not saying don't do it, but the future is the future, and therefore unknown. But, I suppose you aren't to worried...
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    [OT] Which branch of the military should I go into?

    One guy on another message board I frequent has said (to people asking similar questions): "Go into the Air Force. I mean, it's not like you're in the military." However, if yuo HAVE been thinking about this for a while, and you REALLY REALLY REALLY want to commit four years of your life (four...
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    1000 Outlandish Moonrat Schemes (formerly: If I were a band of moonrats I would...)

    I like 'em! Have to look at these Moonrats... I like the Selune/Talon moonrat worshippers idea...I've got a niche niche open in my pantheon for evil and good moon goddesses. I LOVE these Moonrat ideas, just love 'em... Speaking of illithids, I've got a niche for that illithid researcher in...