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Search results

  1. A

    What do you know about D20 Matrix?

    I had actually written up a small set of rules for this using d20 Modern, a Focus skill (called Matrix Awareness) and feats. I had posted it on ENWorld in this forum ages ago, and should still be here if you can dig around. I formatted and don't have it any more, but I did find that someone had...
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    Do you have the stereotypical DnD "body type".

    5'10". 107 lbs. No joke. :D -Aereon
  3. A

    What would YOU do with a +65 Bluff?

    I don't know about you, but I've always wanted to convince an NPC that the sky is a different color than it actually is. PC: "My, isn't the sky particularly plaid-colored today?" *looks up* Poor, susceptible NPC: "Uhh. Why...yes...I guess...it is. Hrm. "
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    August 2nd Northern California Game Day- Memories on Page 3

    *goes to the Brocken link* WORLD HEROES! I remember that game! I didn't like it too much, but I do remember the fact that there was a strange wrestler who would say "Number one!" when he won, a Russian guy named Rasputin, and mines on the ground of some stages. Erm...yes. Just thought I'd...
  5. A

    NorCal Game Day, Part Deux (planning)

    Here's another vote for having this next one be a bit closer for us Bay Area folks. We had to leave early due to the long drive last time. :) Also, I'd be more than willing to DM a game. It'd have to be d20, likely anything from D&D, d20 Modern, Spycraft, Mutants & Masterminds, or Arcana...
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    A HUGE thanks from me as well! This will definitley be useful for working on my homebrew. :) -Aereon
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    August 2nd Northern California Game Day- Memories on Page 3

    Just letting ya' know that Rossco999 was the MVP for the Whispering Woodwinds (who did win the Gamers Bag certificate), and I think garyh was playing in Temple.
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    August 2nd Northern California Game Day- Memories on Page 3

    The gameday was indeed quite fun. :) After finally managing to find Denny's and Great Escapes (you can't see me, but I'm shaking my fist at the streets of Sacremento right now), we had a nice breakfast at Denny's, albeit we were kind of split into three groups. The store itself was awesome...
  9. A

    August 2nd Northern California Game Day- Memories on Page 3

    I'll be playing a Fighter (archer). I'll work on and email it out to you once I get home, and will tell Rossco999 to do the same. Apologies for the delay. -Aereon
  10. A

    Everyone, Tell us about your games, please!

    1) 6 players are present in our group, though it's quite hard to nail down a day for everyone to all show up. 2) Nearly all the time, yes. 3) We've had one other person DM in our group, not too often, but that might change. 4) 6 males, no females (though we're trying to recruit one in...
  11. A

    Help With a Homebrew Setting [my players stay out!]

    Thanks for the ideas, everyone. :) Here's a little more info which I've come up with in response to the questions/comments. I'm using that spiffy Portal Sphere to the Elemental Plane of Fire idea in the starting city, now called Ether, the City of the Sun. The protected portal keeps the city...
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    August 2nd Northern California Game Day- Memories on Page 3

    Count me in for Game 1. [Yay! 100 posts :) ]
  13. A

    Help With a Homebrew Setting [my players stay out!]

    Hey there - - your friendly neighborhood lurker here. I'm hoping that some of you wise people here can help me out with some advice or ideas for a homebrew setting im going to develop. You see, I've been DMing for about 3 years, and since that time I've been running published settings (mostly...
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    "So, what exactly is this D&D thing?"

    Gee, I wonder why? :D
  15. A

    "So, what exactly is this D&D thing?"

    Many of you have been asked this question by non-gamers when they see you pull out your PHB, or when they overhear you discuss with a friend how your epic-level monk single handly defeated a powerful lich the night before. The non-gamer might look over, quizically, and ask you: "What the $@&*...
  16. A

    errata pamphet for 3.5 updates?

    Just a notice: it seems the link to the complete revisions pdf is incorrect on Wizards site. Looks like the actual url is http://www.wizards.com/dnd/files/DnD35_update_booklet.zip. -Aereon
  17. A

    Northern California Game Day (Any DMs out there?)

    Write me in for bumming a ride with Gunslinger to attend this event (as a player). Hopefully this game day will lead me to post a bit more on these boards. :)
  18. A

    Here is to all the Lurkers on the boards!

    *stops lurking* Hello, everyone! *resumes lurking*
  19. A

    Are there any real DnD newbies?

    I can attest to the fact that there are indeed some D&D newbies who got into the game without being introduced to it by a fellow gamer. I should know, because I'm one of 'em. :D About three years ago, when I was 14 (I'm 17 now), I had gotten the 3E core books mostly because I had heard them...
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    Any news on how 3.5 will affect NWN?

    It won't. I believe the question has been asked on one of the NWN boards, and the developers have replied they likely won't be making changes like that in anything short of a sequel. I think they've said that there are too many balance issues, etc. they'd have to go back and playtest/fix in the...