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Search results

  1. J

    Review of DUNGEON! Fantasy Board Game by Wizards of the Coast

    A quick question - will standard 1" minis fit onto the spaces? (Really hoping the answer is yes, since I've already picked up most of the party favors for my son's upcoming birthday party.)
  2. J

    Collected submission window feedback

    Today is the first day for the October/November 2012 submission window for DDI. Last fall, I collected the feedback that people had collected into a single post here, cross-posted and updated at the Wizards of the Coast forum. The job I had during the spring kept me from doing the same for the...
  3. J

    New to D&D - Level x magic item?

    Playmobil figs are a bit on the large side for medium size creatures, but work very well for Large/Huge sized humanoids (ogres, giants, and so on). A bit closer to scale, if you've got them around your house, are LEGO minifigs. They're 1 1/4", if I remember correctly, vs. the almost 3" for...
  4. J

    New to D&D - Level x magic item?

    I think that, even if you don't subscribe to DDI, you can still search the Compendium; you just can't pull up the detailed entries. As others have noted, picking up either Heroes of the Fallen Lands or the Forgotten Kingdoms is a pretty good idea based on what you've said you own.
  5. J

    Let's Forget the Forgotten Realms

    I was going to put these comments in last night, but opted out when we had a nasty thunderstorm start to roll through. Some of those thoughts have already been touched upon previously in the thread, but I'll try to make them articulate: 1) As an IP line other than M:tG, the Forgotten Realms is...
  6. J

    (DDI) compiled pitch feedback (cross-posted from WotC forums)

    Yeah, a couple people pinged me about that at around the same time. It just took me all day to get this copy updated b/c I've been at work & not able to get to my ENWorld account.
  7. J

    (DDI) compiled pitch feedback (cross-posted from WotC forums)

    Updated through 1/16/2012, mid-afternoon CST
  8. J

    (DDI) compiled pitch feedback (cross-posted from WotC forums)

    In the interest of trying to help people out, I thought I'd share some of the results from my DDI pitch responses. This thread is intended to provide a list of things that the DDI team has told people won't be considered because they've either been very well supported in the recent past or...
  9. J

    Rejection for DDI article isn't so bad

    Anything worth adding to the "No thanks, ever" thread?
  10. J

    Rejection for DDI article isn't so bad

    I have created such a thread at the WotC forums, figuring it's a more appropriate place for it. Here I'll update the main post as people contribute to that thread.
  11. J

    Rejection for DDI article isn't so bad

    more updates I heard over the weekend about all but one of my remaining submissions. Of those, one is a "maybe"; the others are all assorted "no's." A drop-in temple (a la tavern profile series) is in a "wait-and-see; repitch in April/May" mode while they see what the reaction is to the...
  12. J

    Rejection for DDI article isn't so bad

    Received feedback on Friday for my submissions of October 18. Sent many more on November 30; no responses yet.
  13. J

    Which Essentials class do you like the most?

    I like the hexblade and Sentinel so well I wrote new builds for them (at the KQ website).
  14. J

    What old modules would you like to see converted/reimagined??

    People have already posted my top choices -- C3 (?) Ghost Tower of Inverness I6 Ravenloft And maybe the (not A) D&D mod Rahasia, just 'cause it was the first one I was given.
  15. J

    WotC's Annual Xmas Layoffs

    True, although I suspect that's true of a significant population of publicly traded corporations. My general point is simply this: If everybody who is currently involved with any sort of d20 game (yes, Pathfinder folks, this includes you -- you are playing something which is WotC-derived, after...
  16. J

    WotC's Annual Xmas Layoffs

    Shareholder activism doesn't necessarily have to come from 50%+ stockholders. Squeaky wheel theory.
  17. J

    WotC's Annual Xmas Layoffs

    on shareholder value Many people have pointed out that this probably relates to the end of the Hasbro fiscal year and the need to please shareholders. Why don't we become shareholders? It would certainly give an additional edge to any letters that may be directed toward the WotC/Hasbro...
  18. J

    Dungeon Tiles Master Set and other Essentials, I got a look

    What's the "rating" on the artwork? My almost-5-year-old loves my tiles/minis, but Caves of Carnage artwork isn'y OK for him. (I've got DU1, DU3, DU5, & DU6).
  19. J

    Attn. MasterPlan users -- Scales of War project file?

    Mods, please move if/as appropriate. I keep thinking I want to run the Scales of War at RPoL or some similar forum (play by post, not real-time online), but with needing portability issues and not having time to do lots of fancy Photoshop tricks for battlemaps, was starting to think that...
  20. J

    Firelasher Squeeze

    Looking for a 2nd opinion from folks around here -- Does a Firelasher's mutable shape power allow it to act as either a Medium or Large creature with no penalties for fitting into spaces and attacks, etc? Or does it only allow it to move through spaces where a medium creature would fit, and it...