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  1. D

    Adventures akin to Tomb of Horrors (RPGA rewards, ie Gygax, version)

    Hey everyone, I usually never play published adventures and always have been on of those "prepare my own adventures" sort of guy. I always though published adventures were too rigid and never bothered to buy one. So last summer the Tomb of Horrors remake reaches my doorstep and I have since...
  2. D

    Drawing a dragon out of his cave.

    Hey ENWorld! In my next session, my players will have to bargain with some wizards so they can cast a high level ritual for them. But they have no way to pay for the spell, so they will have to do something in return. So I was thinking this morning and thought that an encounter with a dragon 5...
  3. D

    Please help me fill the gap in my Vampire adventure!

    Hello everyone! I really like to receive different ideas for campaigns, and I would like some help on this 4e adventure I'm running. My players (3, a ranger, a paladin and a fighter) are lvl 7 and they are investigating the disappearance of some wood elves (or just elves, in 4e). The elves...