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  1. G

    New Monster - Raging Bull Charioteer

    I'm running a Dark Sun game soon and one of the first things my players will be doing is fighting in a mass battle. I have a few things in place for most of it, but I have an idea for an enemy they will face. Basically it's a texas longhorn, probably covered with chitin or something to make it...
  2. G

    Are these good house rules?

    Here's something I always try to remember when I'm GMing. When I'm reading my books, it's my game. When the group sits down at the table, it's our game. We're all there to help each other have a good time. As the GM, I have the most responsibility toward that end (though everyone needs to...
  3. G

    Are Archer Rangers getting the Shaft?

    That's a good idea. I think I'm going to use that. I hadn't thought of the ranger deliberately provoking opportunity attacks. That makes Defensive Mobility a bit better. Really, my main gripe was that a TWF Ranger could take the Defensive Mobility feat and have both bases covered. An archer...
  4. G

    D&D 4E 4e Constitution - what a waste of time !

    I think Regicide might be under the impression that you can spend multiple healing surges in a single fight. Barring the use of healing powers, you can only spend one, so it's going to be very hard to blow all of them in one encounter. If Regi knew that already, I have contributed nothing, and...
  5. G

    Are Archer Rangers getting the Shaft?

    I'm just looking at what the Archer style gets vs. the Two-Blade style. Defensive Mobility (which doesn't seem very good to me, since an Archer will likely have Nimble Strike), vs Toughness and a feature that you can't gain through feats or anything. Personally, even if I were building an...