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Search results

  1. Doodles

    Pathfinder 1E Would You Buy DDI-Pathfinder?

    Another thought: though I have zero interest in a PF digital initiative, if there was a dedicated print magazine keeping me connected to the going-ons' of the Pathfinder scene and enhancing my games with various articles and reviews, I would subscribe in the blink of an eye. Along with the...
  2. Doodles

    Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder vs. Arcana Evolved?

    I also do not agree with the premise that classes and races in AE would be somehow more powerful that D&D 3.5's. I've had a lot of actual play experiences with a AE, D&D and blends of both, and my experience just does not find anything to agree with in that statement. As for comparing...
  3. Doodles

    Pathfinder 1E The Pathfinder Experiment, Part I: Tide of Evil

    It's just that I saw this thread pop up on different forums, posted by "Caesar Slaad", and having read you here for some time, I actually never thought both handles were one and the same person! :)
  4. Doodles

    Pathfinder 1E The Pathfinder Experiment, Part I: Tide of Evil

    Psion, are you also Caesar Slaad?
  5. Doodles

    Jason Bulmahn resurrected me!

    Veggie Boy got a "K for Kool-Aid" during the TSR days! ;) LOL Good times indeed.
  6. Doodles

    How is Old School not at least related to nostalgia?

    It's not about nostalgia. It's about good, sound rules sets!
  7. Doodles

    Pathfinder 1E Tome of Horrors: Pathfinder Edition

    Nope. I want Tome of Horror: Pathfinder Edition to be the original ToH. i.e. the out of print, excluded original AD&D material translated to Pathfinder RPG. The rest, ToH 2 and 3, may come later.
  8. Doodles


    The first question coming through my mind, and I mean no offense by asking it, is: why not play Swords & Wizardry?
  9. Doodles

    Eclipse Phase (I have it)

    So it is possible to correct the left bent without too much trouble, then?
  10. Doodles

    D&D 3E/3.5 A list of 3e problems and how they were tackled in PF

    Keep in mind that Pathfinder is intended for people who like 3.5, not people who want to move away from it.
  11. Doodles

    How Evil are your Campaigns' Villains!

    How Evil are your Campaigns' Villains? Depends on the game, the inspiration of the moment and the particular players involved. Sometimes, my villains will be the classic D&D evil-doers with their undead and their James-Bond's-SPECTRE scheme to destroy the world, and yet others, they will be...
  12. Doodles

    Eclipse Phase (I have it)

    This is a brilliant idea. Immense potential of character variations right there.
  13. Doodles

    Pathfinder 1E [Pathfinder] Planning on switching to Pathfinder?

    Heh. :) That's a pretty cool idea! Reminds me of the old D&D cartoon series!
  14. Doodles

    Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder circulation

    I would have taken the number of downloads on the Beta and downgrade from there, guessing conservatively a ratio of people satisfied versus people dumping the PDF in the garbage bin after reading it. Given what Erik was talking about earlier on Grognardia, I would guess between 20 and 30K for...
  15. Doodles

    Pathfinder 1E [Pathfinder] Planning on switching to Pathfinder?

    I will use Pathfinder instead of 3.5 for my third ed D&D games from now on.
  16. Doodles

    So, what is "4th Edition's Tomb of Horrors"?

    4e basically nullifies any interest one could have in running Tomb of Horrors. The module is antithetic to the rules' set core design tenets. Anyone saying otherwise either hasn't played the real thing or is just completely deluded into somehow thinking that ToH was designed for special...
  17. Doodles

    EN World Too Fast

    No no. Keep it FAST, please! :)
  18. Doodles

    Pathfinder 1E [MERGED] Pathfinder forum complaint threads

    This. I appreciate the new PF forum because I don't have to browse through 4e threads to get to what I really want out of this forum, but at the same time, I don't want it to turn into a "Pathfinder Ghetto". Add a [PF] tag for the threads with General relevance, please. :)