• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. P

    Zombies and Crooks (DM:Mal Malenkirk Judge: Covaithe )

    Following the others towards the hearder Tor watches the sewers carefully, half expecting more zombies to pour out at any moment. His attention is brought back to the herder when he hears him speak. His hands clenched in a tight fist he feels the urge to smash this fools face in, holding back...
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    Zombies and Crooks (DM:Mal Malenkirk Judge: Covaithe )

    After the zombie in front of him falls Tor looks around for any more creatures just in time to see the others converge on the last one and kill it. Visibly relaxing as his features seem to return to normal he sheathes his long swords and begins to walk towards the group of combatants. As he...
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    Zombies and Crooks (DM:Mal Malenkirk Judge: Covaithe )

    Sorry this is a real quick post but I have to leave for work and will not be able to post again till late tonight so I just wanted to get it out of the way now. Zoning in on the zombie before him Tor focuses only on it as he feels his feral rage take over his posture slumps and his teeth seem...
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    Zombies and Crooks (DM:Mal Malenkirk Judge: Covaithe )

    Yeah I did forget the F and yes he ninja'd me in posting :) Lol I am editing my previous post to make more sense. sorry about that
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    Zombies and Crooks (DM:Mal Malenkirk Judge: Covaithe )

    He his just about to assault the zombie in front of him when the newcomer comes to his aid. Giving a nod as he hears his ally's advice "Thanks" is all he says as he quickly makes his way to the other side of the zombie that followed him. Missing with his first swing his second attack seems like...
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    Zombies and Crooks (DM:Mal Malenkirk Judge: Covaithe )

    fWith two more swings Tor manages to connect with each but only grazes the abomination before him. Tor had obviously underestimated whatever foul magic had brought the abomination into existence... The fact that the zombie still stood before him was frustrating him, with a low growl he...
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    Zombies and Crooks (DM:Mal Malenkirk Judge: Covaithe )

    Seeing the others Tor knew he needed to finish the zombie in front of him and try to help them out but this one seemed to be more stubborn then he anticipated. He quickly realizes he left his guard down as he refocuses on his opponent just in time to see the attack coming. Tor grunts in pain...
  8. P

    Zombies and Crooks (DM:Mal Malenkirk Judge: Covaithe )

    Ok Thanks for letting me attack and thanks for the Crit :) You roll better then me. Focusing on the walking corpse in front of him Tor swings wide with one sword missing his mark but catching him with his an off handed swing. Taking a quick step to the zombies side hoping for a better angle he...
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    Zombies and Crooks (DM:Mal Malenkirk Judge: Covaithe )

    Sorry I should of asked first but I had just assumed that it would of been near impossible to charge in crowds such as this. I'll ask before assuming in the future.
  10. P

    Zombies and Crooks (DM:Mal Malenkirk Judge: Covaithe )

    Tor was quickly snapped back to reality as he realized something was wrong, the sudden panic that seemed to have washed over the crowd out of nowhere and the single word on everyones lips... Zombie. Tors mind cleared as he drew one of his long swords and moved through the crowd but finds it...
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    Zombies and Crooks (DM:Mal Malenkirk Judge: Covaithe )

    Apparently gawking at a statue made him not to quick to react :) Roll Lookup And her is Tor http://www.enworld.org/wiki/index.php/L4W:PC:Tor_%28powerofbaka%29 Still not approved but I fixed all the problems the first judge pointed out.
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    Zombies and Crooks (DM:Mal Malenkirk Judge: Covaithe )

    Sorry, I don't have the character generator.
  13. P

    Zombies and Crooks (DM:Mal Malenkirk Judge: Covaithe )

    Aimlessly exploring the area Tor finds himself entering the Fisherman's alley market. The crowd seem to press in on him as he attempts to move through the market and he almost decides to forget this place until his eye catches the 20 ft tall statue and he moves forward to admire it. As he...
  14. P

    New Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man

    With one last look around the room Tor makes his way back to the entrance, the place seemed a bit quiet. Too quiet for him to find anything of interest, he decides to try someplace else.
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    New Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man

    I'm interested in getting Tor into the zombie adventure. I always love killing zombies :) And am really looking forward to getting him into some action
  16. P

    New Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man

    As the doors to the Hanged Man open a Tall, muscular shifter walks in with dark brown skin and long brown hair. Wearing hide armor that looks weathered and as if it had seen more then a little action and a pair of long swords at his hips he looks as if he would be ready at a moments notice...