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    Dark Sun Character Sheet

    I'll use Ultimate Psionics from Dreamscarred Press because the strong century vibe I get from Occult Adventures doesn't really fit Dark Sun all that well. I am in the process of writing a conversion, but most of it is advice and overviews. I rewrote the PC races and also created a...
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    Dark Sun Character Sheet

    Thanks! :) Well, Dark Sun in 5E should be an interesting prospect since - at least in my opinion - you'd have to actually mess a bit with the rules to make it fit (are there 5E Psionics?). Pathfinder with its gazillions of classes and archetypes and whatnot is sort of the easy way compared to...
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    Dark Sun Character Sheet

    Hey guys, I've made a character sheet for an upcoming Pathfinder Dark Sun game of mine. There already are a couple of great Pathfinder sheets to be found online but I wanted something custom for the heat exposure system I'll be using, and also fiddling with Photoshop is fun :) The layout...
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    D&D 5E Living Elsir Vale / Red Hand of Doom - Feedback Requested

    Hey aurin, First, this sounds like a really fun idea. I'll keep an eye on this thread to see what you're doing with it. As a huge fan of RHoD (played it once, ran it once) I can tell you that expanding Elsir Vale is not only possible, but it also works really well thanks to the way it's...
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    Template, Class and Build ideas for this character concept?

    I think Herzog is right, a controller theme seems very appropriate, or at least something of being a protector. Marshal (Miniatures Handbook) or knight (PHB II) would be something fitting for a non-spellcasting solution, although marshal might be too much of a charismatic leader for a character...
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    E6: The Game Inside D&D

    The way I see it, this is a huge accomplishment! D&D or Pathfinder are not the best storytelling systems to begin with, so if your players already see the story as a primary incentive, you're doing just fine :)
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    E6: The Game Inside D&D

    Like kevin_video said, there is always the Toughnes feat, giving any 6th level character 6 hp. If you still have a bad feeling about this, E8 might be an alternative for your game. As for the feeling, I can only speak from a GM's perspective. First, its a weird thing, and you need to get used...
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    Kingmaker in Eberron

    Hey ENWorld, So while toying with some ideas for an Eberron game, I though of playing Pathfinder's Kingmaker in Eberron. The idea isn't new, I know that, but from what I've read so far most people tried it with Q'barra as where the action takes place. Now I would instead go to Xen'drik. Why...
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    Fun/Awesome e6 builds W/ only 1-2 lvl dips

    Barbarian 1/Scout 3/Cleric 2 (Celerity Domain) BAB +4, Fort +6, Reflex +3, Will +4 You are permanently at +30 ft. base land speed (+10 unnamed from Celerity, +10 unnamed from barbarian, +10 enhancement from scout). Expeditious Retreat from Celerity Domain doesn't stack but nets you an extra...
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    Eberron Collector's Guide

    Sorry if this a necro but I want to thank Echohawk for this awesome list. Especially the entries for Dungeon and Dragon Magazine are worth gold for someone like me who is hunting down additional material for his game. Aureon's blessings upon you! P.S.: Sorry about the XP, I meant of course to...
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    Making Trailblazer More Popular / Well-known

    Like I said in, I really wonder why if a Trailblazer SRD would improve the popularity... I actually had the idea shortly after I bought the PDF, even started to do it (but never finished).
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    Complete Item/Monster Cards Previews?

    Hey, I know this is a dead forum, but I still wanted to ask if anyone could provide me with the preview PDF files (or screenshots from the actual product) that are still linked at DriveThruRPG for the Complete Item- and Monster Cards. I am very interested in these cards but would like to get a...
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    E6: The Game Inside D&D

    Just a quick share of recent toying with E6: I recently discovered this old article about dead class levels. Nothing to get really excited about (the provided features don't really correspond to the level they're given), but I thought that stuff makes up for new E6 feats. Examples: I would...
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    E6: The Game Inside D&D

    I started an Eberron game using E6 and Trailblazer some time ago. But as we only had two sessions so far and just one gamer aside me played 3.5 before (others are total D&D newbies), there is no real "revelation" yet. The party is still at 1st level and consists of a gnome wizard, a satyr...
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    E6: The Game Inside D&D

    I noticed this too when I began writing PrC abilities into feats. Not that uniqueness should be a problem though, I'm offering everyone to use basically every d20 material ever put to to paper or PDF (with my approval), so there are plenty of classes and feats to select from, but the same time I...
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    E6: The Game Inside D&D

    So eventually I came up with a solution involving both sides: I boiled the PrCs down to one single level (available at 6th character level) with features to be expanded by feats. Funny thing is, this made me being interested in PrCs again. By and large I tend to ignore them and make my...
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    E6: The Game Inside D&D

    Yeah, that was my idea. I thought of boiling it down to two levels per PrC. For me, the question is what abilities to offer within these two levels, because many PrC's develope their distinctive features later in the level progression. I had similar thoughts, especially for the Shadow Dancer...
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    E6: The Game Inside D&D

    Prestige Classes in E6 Hello, I am planning for an upcoming E6 game and some of my players-to-be told me they'd like to take a level or two of prestige classes, even within the few class levels you get within E6. We discussed this a bit, I showed them some feats to gain additional class...
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    Good 2 man teams

    I agree with Rogue and Druid/Cleric. You will have martial power, skills and spellcasting without being a glass cannon. What immediately comes to my mind is the Complete Adventurer supplement and those two PrCs Shadowbane Inquisitor and Shadowbane Stalker, who are even presented as a working...